Chapter 1: Beginnings

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Hello and welcome to the first chapter of this story, I might focus on this one the most cause I love this character the most, and his kit anyways onto the story






Throughout the years, humans and faunus were able to coexist with the help of a new robot assistant formally known as omnics, handling most or almost all means of work with no issue allowing people to mend relationships and establish a new order

But as newly these omnics arrived into daily lives so did new troubles, being that the mistreatment of this robotic race is heavily overshadowed and the growing self-awareness of these beings forced Atlas to create a counter to this rising dilemma, ravagers

Seeing as these ravagers were much more formidable in size and strength they had no room for a will or sense of right or wrong breeding the perfect soldier until resistance was met by protesters and rights activists wanting their freedom causing battles to break out and casualties to stack up

Amidst all the chaos one omnic solely reliant on faith led people and omnics through a path of peace and true togetherness dubbed Tekhartha Mondatta one of the high priests of the Shambali temple and while amidst that he and his following were able to strike a truce and come to a peace treaty with the to other sentient races officially putting ravagers out of commission and destroyed, except for one

This one ravager who grew to have a will of his own after the display of compassion displayed by Mondetta and his following leading up to his dismantlement allowed him to forge his path into a brighter one not made for war

With this new will he proudly joined Mondatta and his brothers and sisters of faith beginning his new life knowing it is for the better

Now in present times, we see y/n and his brother Zenyatta wondering throughout the corridors of the sacred temple with y/n having a dilemma

Y/n: Brother, why must we stay at this temple knowing our kind is still subjected to all this hate and discrimination

Zenyatta: because Brother, violence breeds violence, and wars are never truly won through them, ones self must take the lead to not be the change but help change happen

Y/n: Yes brother but our people still need our help, I can't just stand idle while this happens!

As he was venting his frustration they were passing fellow monks and residents of the temple until they got to the main chamber and praying grounds of the temple and began praying and meditating until Mondatta walked into the chamber with someone in a small raggedy cloak

Mondatta: Brothers and Sisters, maybe I please introduce you to the newest member of the temple and our family

As everyone began to look up at the small figure with curiosity and wonder the person finally revealed themselves after a little encouragement from Mondetta revealed a small boy but he seemed to have injuries that were recently treated by medical staff

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