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A girl's body is found near the lake...the girl was killed so brutally that no one can recognize her...!

According to our informers...the girl is about 18-19 years old...after the DNA test we will come to a conclusion to who is this girl..and who killed her!

Somewhere in China

Hahaha....I knew she was ugly but didn't knew this much...! said a man in black while laughing...

Yibo's house

Oh my God...she is looking so terrifying..who would have done something like this to her...

"I did"...said someone coming from behind...

"What you mean by you did"...."it means I did it"..

There was a sudden silence in the room..

"AM very sorry yibo I colored your orange fish black..!

"What the talking about..I was talking about the girl on TV..


"But wait you did what...WHAT YOU MEAN BY YOU COLORED IT BLACK"

"I meant actually I was painting...but suddenly the black paint fell in to the water..seeing this I immediately took out the fish but I didn't notice that I actually put her on my palette.."

"DO you think this clarification makes sense huh"

"I know it doesn't but that's what actually happened.."


saying that yibo left the house..

Leaving a smirking nomi.."That's good the prey is going to the hunter himself"

While walking yibo suddenly saw his history teacher...his teacher came across him and said..

"Mr Wang how are you...why didn't you attended school last week you missed a lot...

"Actually sir I was ill.."

"NO worries as I met you..let me tell you that you have to do a project about the history of china"

"Okay sir..I got it"

"It's a two people project "

"What you mean by that sir"

"Means you and Xiao zhan are teammates of this project"

"Oh ok- WAIT WHAT!!.."said yibo more like screaming. "What happened yibo is everything good??"
"Ye-yeah sir"

"OK than am going take care of yourself"

After yibo bowed to him, he went his way

There are 42 students in my class but still I got Xiao zhan is this a sign that we are made for each other..yibo thought to himself and went to his way to library

In the library

Xiao zhan pov

Here I am in this boring library I don't even know why I am here..that bitch nomi called me here saying that yibo wants to meet me..but why library?


I was in the gym, doing my exercise when this brat called me "why you called??just bark it and fuck off"

"Bro I thought that was your work" said the person on the other side "you- "

"Later you talk first listen to me...come to the school library"

"Can I know why you asking me to come miss nomi"

"Who the fuck told you am asking am telling you, yibo wants to tell you something"

(If y'all thinking that he went out because he was angry than no, because he goes to the school library every Sunday so yeah)

"What does he want to talk about?"
"DO I sound like yibo?"

"NO why you asking?"

"Then how the fuck will I know what he wants to tell you there by 9 okay now bye see you in hell:

End of flashback

I don't even care now when is this little piece of shit going to come, i am getting late...for my date but wait what time is's still 8:45 why I am so early duh in hurry I didn't even checked the time but wait why I was  in so hurry...he is the one who should supposed to be waiting no me!!!! I perhaps falling in lo----


Hello everyone sorry for the late update, I was kinda processing about my story so y'all don't forget to vote...I just made this one short because the next chapter will be kinda long...

Who are the two mysterious person?

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