"I'm not nosy. I care. This isn't like you although I don't mind it at all. It's nice to see you slow down for a change. Live a normal life," comes Ningning's reply.

"My life is normal."

"No it's not. So I'm going to ask you again... What happened? I mean, I'm happy you changed but I doubt that it's because of what I said. You almost never listen to me."

"What do you want for dinner?"

It's clear that Winter's trying to avoid answering the question by changing the subject.

But Ningning persists and asks, "Is it her? Is she the reason you barely showed up at the club lately? You've been spending time with her here instead?"

Karina inhales sharply when she hears that, knowing that Ningning was talking about her.

It's true that Winter has been home a lot lately and never brought any girl home anymore... but we only talked about work, business... general stuff. I didn't even know her nickname until her friend told me. So it's all because she pitied me and tried to make me feel better or something?

"Let's go out. I'm craving meat," Winter says, still refusing to answer her friend's questions.

"Ignore me all you want, Win. I'll find out sooner or later. It's better if you tell me now so I won't have to nag you because nag you I will. Every day, Kim Winter. I will ask you about her every day."

There's a pause and Karina's trying to decide whether she should continue walking to the kitchen or go back to her room when she hears the sounds of glass clinking and water running, followed by a sigh and Ningning's voice.

"Fine. Have it your way. I'm going to assume that it's indeed because of her and I'm glad to see that she's already bringing some positive influences into your life. I hope she sticks around long enough for the change to be permanent."

"Why would she stick around? She's here because she didn't have a choice, because she was forced," replies Winter.

"But the fact that you've been talking and spending time together and stuff... that means she likes you, right?"

"We only talked business. She doesn't like me and will never like me, especially that way. She's straight, remember?"

Karina frowns a bit when she hears that. There's some truth to Winter's words but she has begun to see her as a friend so it's sad to know that Winter still thinks that she dislikes her or only talks to her when it's business related.

"Well, she can just be a friend who influences you in a good way. Like me," Ningning says.

Winter lets out the loudest "HA!" Karina has ever heard.

"Yeah right," says the brunette. "Your good influence pales in comparison to your terrible influence."

"Whatever, Kim Winter. I'm heading out. I'm meeting someone at the club tonight. Was just here to make sure that you're still alive," Ningning says. "I'll tell your girls that you're still breathing. See ya."

Realizing that Ningning will see her standing there eavesdropping, Karina quickly moves, pretending that she just comes out of her room and is on her way to the kitchen.

She turns the corner and nearly bumps into Ningning.

"Whoops!" Ningning stops and grins.

"Sorry," replies Karina. "I'm going to order something to eat. Do you want anything?" she asks.

"I gotta go so I'll pass. Thanks. See ya, Rina," says the girl who walks away after waving her hand at the surprised Karina.


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