Chapter 12

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Their trip to Texas was going smoothly, until they hit a major traffic jam. The GPS suddenly added 3 more hours to their trip. Considering the distance they had to go, this was a drop in the bucket.

So Reiner had an idea.

"What are you doing?" Annie said gruffly.

"You wanna sit in this for 3 hours?" Reiner said as he got off on the nearest exit. "Relax, Annie Bananie"

"Don't call me that"

"The GPS will recalculate a better route based on where we are at, and we've gotten back on schedule"

"Reiner...I don't think that's how that works" Bertholdt said.

"Well if we are getting off the interstate can we at least stop for some food. It's been 4 hours since breakfast and I'm thinking your looking quite tasty" Annie said.

"Bert you need to get your girl under control" Reiner said.

Annie gave him a glare from the back seat.

"Wake up Porco and Pieck and we will decide on food" Reiner said.

After a lunch of burgers and fries at Five Guys. Reiner was back on his "short cut".

Everyone in the car was starting to get slightly agitated at the GPS saying "recalculating" every 10 minutes. The ladies robotic voice began sounding like nails on a chalkboard.

They felt like they were pretty far from the interstate. Surrounded by trees, neighborhoods, and backroads. After the GPS sang out its familiar tune, Annie had had enough.

"Reiner we're lost." She's said flatly.

Reiner didn't answer her.

"She's right dude, just admit we don't know where we are" Porco said.

"Maybe we should stop and ask for directions" Pieck suggested.

"Are you crazy, that's how horror movies start" Reiner said.

"Reiner you watch too much TV" Bertholdt said rubbing his temple.

"Man, just reset the GPS to get us back to the interstate, I'm sure the wreck has cleared up by this point"

Reiner let out a sigh. "Fine"

Before he could do anything, there was a loud popping noise. The car started wobbling, a loud thumping sound was heard, and the smell of burning rubber.

Reiner managed to pull to the side of the road.


They all got out of Reiner's car, to survey the damage.

The front tire was beyond flat, it was completely busted.

"Not a big issue" Pieck said stretching. "I can change it"

They all turned to look at Pieck.

"My dad taught me how to when I was starting to learn to drive. So where's your spare?"

"What spare?" Reiner asked.

Annie looked like she was going to smash Reiner into a tree.

"Well now what?" Porco asked.

"Just call roadside assistance" Pieck said.

"I'm outside my coverage area Pieck" Reiner said.

The group stood silent for a moment.

"Well, looks like we are going to have to do do this the old fashioned way"

Before anyone could stop him, Reiner made his way to the side of the road.

"Oh good gosh he's gonna try to hitch hike" Annie said.

Before anyone could respond, Reiner suddenly was shirtless.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" Porco asked.

"Look we all know I'm the best looking out of the 3 of us guys, so once they get a look at me someone will have to stop"

"Again Reiner you watched too many movies...put your shirt back on." Bertholdt said.

"Trust me it's a good idea"

"Yeah just like your 'short cut' was?" Annie huffed crossing her arms.

Several people honked, Porco assumed mostly to laugh at Reiner. 

Annie began looking up tow trucks, while Porco checked his bank account.

The sound of a police siren made them jump.

A police cruiser pulled behind Reiner's car. The officer got out of the car.

"Sir, what are you doing?"

Reiner froze. "Uhhh trying to fix my car?"

"By waving around on the side of the road with no clothes"

"Well I have my pants on" Reiner blurted out.

"I don't need your sarcasm young man, I could arrest you for indecent exposure"

Bertholdt was about to tell the officer that what Reiner was doing wasn't illegal when a Jeep pulled up behind the police officer.

"Nile don't you have anything better to do than harass some teens who" the man glanced over to the car, "looks like they busted a tire, and seems like this kid is doing the latest trend on snap chat or tik tok or whatever"

Nile mouth tightened.

"Relax kid he can't arrest you for being shirtless on the side of the road, but he can laugh at ya, or in this case try to intimidate you."

"Mike I don't need you to get involved" Nile said.

Mike rolled his eyes.

"I'm guessing none of you know how to change a tire or you don't have a spare"

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