Chapter 10

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Pieck was finishing packing. She was still surprised that this trip was actually happening.

Porco was still in disbelief when he came by her house a week ago to tell her he was going. She threw her arms around him, which surprised them both.

Pieck was grateful that her parents were pretty laid back, they were a bit hesitant at first, but ultimately agreed to let her go with them. It didn't hurt that Annie was also going along so Pieck would be traveling alone with three boys.

Pieck was a mix of emotions. On one hand she was looking forward to going on an adventure and getting to spend time with Porco. On the other hand, she knew this was going to be an emotional experience for not only Porco but for everyone else going along as well. Marcel had had a huge impact on everyone he met.

Pieck thought back to 4th grade. Pieck wasn't, well still isn't, the most popular kid at school. Pieck was trying to read her book at recess, and  Niccolo and his friends had found their target for the afternoon.

"What kind of loser reads at recess." He snatched the book out of her hand.

Pieck stood up. "Niccolo give it back" she said reaching for the book.

"This is why you don't have many friends" one of the other boys said.

"The Hobbit...gah you are a dork" Niccolo said laughing with his friends.

She reached for the book again, but Niccolo held it out of reach.

"Jump for it Pieck...jump for it"

The other boys laughed at Pieck's futile efforts to get the book. As Niccolo was in 5th grade and much taller than her.

"Make her bark for it, I heard she likes to howl at the moon" one of the boys laughed.

"Bark for it wolf girl" Niccolo said, but the book was soon snatched out of his hands.

"Nicky boy don't you have anything better to do then pick on people smaller than you?"

Niccolo turned to face Marcel. "Stay out of this Galliard or..."

"Or what? Want repeat from the fall festival last year?"

Niccolo went red in the face, and he and his friends stalked off.

"You ok Pieck?" Marcel said handing her book back to her.

She nodded. Marcel and his brother lived down the street from her. They use to play together a lot as young kids, but Porco was starting to get into sports and they didn't see each other as much any more. But Marcel would still play with her from time to time.

"I would just ignore lil' Nicky and his friends. My mom says people like him like to make others feel as bad as they do."

"Thanks Marcel" she said quietly.

"That's a good book you'll really enjoy it" he said and went back to join the football game with his friends.

Pieck was surprised to felt the tears on her cheeks. She had cried a bit at the funeral but had never really let herself truly accept that he was gone.

She removed her duffle from her bag and laid down on her bed, cuddling her cat close. Pieck buried her face into her cat's furry belly and let the silent tears flow.

******2 days later*************************

Reiner put the last of the bags into the back of the Yukon.

It was about 8am and the group had gathered at Reiner's to depart.

"Make sure you call me every hour" Porco's mom said.

"Annie no sharing a room with Bertholdt" her dad said.

"Bert I put some condoms in your bag, please use them if you and Annie" Mr. Hoover whispered.

"Dad!!!!" Bertholdt's face went red.

Goodbyes were said and the next thing they knew they were off. Well off to Dunkin Doughnuts for coffee and breakfast.

As they made their way on to the interstat, Bertholdt was setting the GPS.

"So are they going to have room for all of us?", Annie asked.

"Uh....about that"

"Porco" Reiner asked calmly. "Do these people even know we are coming?"

 "Do these people even know we are coming?"

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