Chapter 7

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"I'm sorry you wanna what now?" Bertholdt asked.

"I wanna meet the person who got Marcel's heart." Porco said, taking a sip of his Java chip frap.

"Do you even know where it is or where that person is?" Bertholdt's girlfriend asked.

"Yeah I didn't think they gave out that are you going to find them?" Pieck asked stirring her chi tea latte.

"So my dad told me that he has the family name, and that I could go out state's organ donation office, and they could help me"

"Have you told your mom about this?" Annie asked.

Porco rubbed the back of his neck, "not really, trying to put it off a long as I can."

"Porco you know that his heart could be anywhere across the country. It could be in California or Washington State." Bertholdt said.

"Or it could be in the next town over" Pieck said hopefully. "Personally I think it's moving that you want to do this. I think this is a great way for you to get closer, and to see that Marcel's legacy will continue on"

Porco felt his heart flutter a bit. He was glad to have her support.

"Pieck this isn't some life time movie. Do you think his parents will let him drive across the country or even out of the state at 17?" Annie countered, "especially by himself"

"Well I'd go with him" Pieck said placing her hand over Porco's. Now his heart was going into overdrive.

"Well that's why I asked you guys here today..." Porco muttered.

"You want us to go with you??" Bertholdt eyes widened.

"I think it would be easier to sell to parents if we went together ya know. Like a road-trip before senior year."

"I've got volleyball summer workouts" Annie said.

"I mean depending on where we go it would only be a week or 2, I'm sure Coach Nanaba would be fine with it"

"What about football work outs for you Porco?"

"I don't think I'm playing next year" Porco said looking down at the Starbucks table.

"You aren't gonna play football?" Annie asked raising her eyebrows. "Thought that was like you life's passion" Annie said flatly.

"I don't have passion for much lately"

Bertholdt and Pieck shot each other worried glances.

"Well I'm in. I love a good adventure, and it's clear that you have passion for this." Pieck said.

Porco and Pieck looked at Bertholdt. He sighed. "As long as its not the week of July 10th. I've got a prospect camp at Duke that weekend, and the first week of June. I've got goal keeper camp"

The trio turned to Annie.

Annie felt the heat. Bertholdt started to give her his puppy dog look. "Come on Annie Bannaie"

"I mean if we go outta state we may have to stay in a hotel, and I don't a Bert may end up sharing..." Pieck said in a sly voice.

Annie flushed. "Fine I'm in"

Porco was feeling pretty good. First time in a while he was actually in a genuine good mood.

A few days ago 3 of his friends has agreed to go on this search for his brothers heart.

"It's nice to see you smiling today Mr. Galliard", Mr. Church said as he was leaving his Algebra 2 class.

He wasn't the first teacher to notice either.

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