2: Dust

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Dean arrived in the big city of Ingensteder ahead of schedule. He never went the speed limit, but he especially didn't on this particular trip. His best friend, Castiel, would be waiting for him at this random small pizza shop at the edge of a city. Cas was reckless enough as an angel, and Dean couldn't help worry that Cas had already gotten himself into trouble.

"Cas is gonna be fine. He's a smart dude, in a weird sort of way. He's gonna be good." Dean told himself, as he searched for the address.

He drove all the way up the street Cas had given him. No dice. Dean drove up and down again to make sure. Nothing. Definitely no pizza shop. There were hardly any people in the street either.

Dean shook his head. If a pizza shop was ever here, it would go out if business pretty quick. This isn't exactly ideal real estate here.

A pair of rats started squeaking loudly as they fought over mostly decayed pigeon skeleton.

Okay, Dean thought, maybe Cas got the address wrong.

Dean checked the surrounding streets, becoming increasingly frustrated. There was no trace of the diner anywhere. It didn't even have a website. He decided to call Sam and have him trace the call. Cas had called the bunker itself, that being the only number Dean could get him to memorize. For the rest, Cas just relied on his phone having the number saved.

Dean pulled into a parking spot on the side of the road and dialed Sam.


"Hey Dean. Did you get him?" Sam's voice crackled over the phone.

Dean sighed. "Ah.. no. I need you to trace that phone number that Cas called us with yesterday. It's like this pizza place doesn't even exist. I dunno... Maybe he told me the wrong city."

"Alright. Hang tight, I'll call you back in a bit." Sam said.

When he paused and Dean didn't say anything he added, "Try not to worry, alright? It's probably fine."

"Yeah. Yeah you're right. Thanks Sammy." Dean said, hanging up.

Dean pinched the bridge in his nose and closed his eyes. He had driven all night, but he couldn't sleep yet. He would find Cas first.

Back at the bunker, Sam was already in the library with his laptop. His eyebrows were furrowed slightly as he typed. After ten minutes, he had been able to trace the call. Definitely in Ingensteder. Though, from what he could find, there wasn't any mention of the pizza place online...

... ... ...

"No. That can't be right, Sam, I checked that street ten times! There's no pizza place. Hell, there isn't anything! Just run down buildings!" Dean exclaimed in exasperation, pacing up and down and empty street.

"Dean. Dean. Calm down. We're gonna figure this out, okay? The building number is 306. Look for a 306, okay?" Sam stated in a calming tone, doing his best to soothe Dean.

"306. Got it." Dean breathed, sounding distant. He hung up.

"Dean- Dea-" Sam realized Dean hung up. "Great." He sighed.

Dean was running up the street, his eyes scanning for the numbers.

306... 306...

There, 302. And 304.


Dean's heart sank. The building had two huge windows. Tarnished brass numbers were attached to the wall, the whole surface so grimy they almost blended in.

Inside, it was trashed. Bits of old paper littered the floor. Cobwebs coated the chairs so thick that they looked like they were covered in a layer of white silk. They might almost be comfortable, they were so padded with those dusty silver hairs.

Dean scanned the room. It was obvious nobody had been in here in years. Suddenly the dust on the floor caught his eye. There, just barely visible against itself, the dust was disturbed. Footprints. Cas.

The prints lead to one of the mouse infested booths. On the table sat a white plate turned yellow with a layer of grime. Only the whole plate wasn't grimy, some of it appeared to have been licked off.

On the wall was a red corded phone. Dean held the one up to his ear and dialed some numbers. Nothing. He slammed it back on the wall.

"Dammit!" He coughed as some dust rose to his face in a cloud.

This place looked like it had been abandoned for decades.

So how did Cas eat here? How did he call? Dean wondered.

There's something very wrong here. Witchy stuff. Whatever made Cas think this would be even a remotely okay place to eat probably took him.

Frustrated, Dean stepped outside again to update Sam.

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