. . . exiled

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remus john lupin was born to be a dreamer. he wished upon the stars with shining brown hopeful eyes and in return for his kind words, they gifted him with a curse.

and when the boy was five years old, he was exiled from his family, from the world, shrouded in the skin of a monster. with a lust for blood and and an insatiable appetite, remus was born to be a killer at a young age.

but behind the blood red eyes and sharp fangs there was only a boy longing to belong, to be accepted by those who shunned him. a boy who no longer believed in wishing on shooting stars and feared the alluring glow of the full moon.

sirius orion black was born a cynic. he knew from his family that life wasn't pretty, that you couldn't put your trust in it freely. life was his own nightmare that never ended. and when he dreamed of the world turning on him just as his parents did, the prophecy came true.

at twenty-two years old, sirius was exiled from humanity, painted as a criminal for a crime he did not commit, shackled and confined within the constricts of society. locked in a cage, he was a bird whos wings had been clipped, yearning to fly, to be free.

the person who everyone saw as a manic convict not to be trusted, was actually just a man who regretted not wishing on more shooting stars as a child. an innocent soul once again let down by a cruel world that was never on his team.

both were broken, from the same shards of stained class. a boy who believed, and a boy who wished he could. drawn together by fate, tangled in the invisible string of life, they were exiled.

from their homes. from the world. from existence.

and in this leave they found each other, reveling in their shared childhood horror stories and similar music taste. both stripped away of their humanity, exiled in different times, built to fall apart and then come back together.

like dawn and night, the cycle continued until both of them were no more. in a final battle, they succumbed to their trials and tribulations, and in the end, to their deaths. the moon and the stars flushed out of the sky, never to return again.

all that consumed the world was darkness.

through all this time, they never learned to see the signs of their doom. both blinded by infatuation and lust for revenge, they couldn't turn their fates around and continued to walk a thin line until it snapped underneath them.

in an ironic twist, death who had broken them apart had brought them together again.

i think i've seen this film before and i didn't like the ending.

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