Let me help you out.. (nickloon)

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No piss don't worry y'all 😭🦅




Ever since balloon and nickel had been eliminated from season 3 (not actually dw) they had spent more time together at the hotel!

They also happened to be roommates.. (a/n uhhh I think we all know where this is going..)

There was just one tiny problem..

Nickels in heat..


All day nickel had been desperately trying to deal with it by taking a nap, thinking about everything that makes him upset, chugging a ton of water, but nothing seemed to be working.

Now you may ask "then just take care of it nickel" but heh.. no.. balloon could walk in at any moment, plus everyone else in the hotel- Nickel didn't even know if the walls were soundproof.

He wasn't going to take that risk.

Balloon had been gone the entire day, nickel didn't even know where he was at this point.

Nickel was basically struggling at this point, so desperate to consider taking care of it even with all the risks.

Oh fuck it..

The sooner he got through this the better chance of not getting caught..

Nickel, now terrified slowly kicked a pillow into the middle of the bed and sat up on it.

He took a few deep breaths before starting to grind against the pillow.

"Oh FUcK-.."

The slightest of movements could set nickel off at this point, he was just that desperate.

After a few minutes he started to speed up his process, getting louder every time.

And god did it feel good..

Normally it took awhile for nickel to finish but his heat decided to change that for him.

Nickel could already feel himself getting close, he started to full on ride that pillow as hard as he could.

Nickel was yelling a series of moans and whines as his body started to tremble a bit.

"F- fuCKK~ NGh balLOON-.."

Nickel quickly realized what he said, but didn't stop..

One minute later all he could think about was balloon..

Nickel felt himself getting dangerously close as he moaned out balloons name for the 100th time.



Nickel, stopping dead in his tracks snapped his head around to see balloon standing by the door to the hallway.

And he was just as shocked at nickel was.

Both of them just stared at each other for a few seconds before balloon quickly hid his view with his hands.


"Balloon." Nickel said, soft but sharp.

Balloon didn't even respond back, he was to ashamed too.

"Balloon im not upset with you.." nickel said.

Still hiding his eyes balloon spoke up.

"I really didn't mean to I'm so sorry nickel-"

"Wait.." realization hit balloon as he remembered nickel moaning his name.

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