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"Hey M- oof." Jaob got cut off as Hermione opened the door and threw herself at him, crying a bit. God she was emotional today. Jacob enveloped her in a huge hug, which always calmed her down, even when she was younger.

But something felt off. Jacob felt a bit warmer than usual. She brushed it off but she would soon come to regret not trustig her instincts.

After a moment, Jacob released her. She wiped her tears and climbed into the passenger seat of the truck after tossing her luggage in the back seat. Jacob started driving and Hermione took the time to admire her surroundings.

Nothing had changed.

The sky was the same dull gray it had always been, clouds filled the sky and the grass was green from having been rained on. It was a bit dreary, but it was home.

They drove though town, and towards the house that Hermione hadn't seen, or even lived in, since she was 11. Hermione hopped out and grabbed her trunk. She waved to Jacob as he pulled out of the driveway. She turned and headed inside.

She was greeted by her dad hugging her tighter than she evenrealised was possible. He relaxed a bit, but still held on, and she returned the hug.

She sighed.

Gosh she had missed this. She missed everything about Forks.

Bella walked down the stairs dragging her feet behind her, staring at the ground.

She reminded Hermione of herself when Fred had died.

He was her best friend. Her brother in all but blood.

And he was gone.

She remembered how it had felt. Numb and empty inside, and - no. Don't go down that path again Hermione. She told herself.

Her friends had been so worried, and had tried to check up on her. Tried to make sure she was okay. But Hermione hadn't exactly made it easy for them. She'd push them away and isolate herself.

She vowed to herself to never go down that path again. Never put those closest to her through that ever again. It had been a nightmare and she wasn't abut to let Bella go down that path either.

It wouldn't end well.

For either of them.

She shook herself out of her thoughts and followed Bella to the kitchen where she grabbed a banana and trudged out the door. Hermione followed her outside before deciding to finally announce herself.

"And where do you think you're going?" Bella gasped, snapping her head to Hermione. "Mya? When did you get here?" "Today. I thought I'd surprise you." Hermione said, wrapping Bella in a comforting hug.

"So where are we going?" Hermione qustioned as they strapped their seatbelts on. "To a movie with Jake and my friends from school." "Well then, to the movies we shall go." Bella stepped on the gas. "To the movies we shall go." She echoed her sister as she cracked a smile for the first time in almost a year.

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