Chapter One Confused Robot

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Tk 1-000 wakes up in his room trying to wake himself up while the computer is still locating for any sign of Connor or T-800 location to warn the both of them about SkyNet. No sabes donde estan Amigo? Ask Ben who was his roommate that works in the same station in Los Angeles police that sadly his girlfriend kicked him out from her home. Like I said before I could read spanish but harder for me to speak it. Said Tk 1-000 grabbing his police clothes for his gun was at the police department. Well it's was a worth a try to get you to understand to speak it rather of reading it. Said Ben as he started to type in the second computer. Tk 1-000 walks out of the room into his restroom and stare at himself in the mirror and try to focus on SkyNet. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! Said a voice and Tk 1-000 quickly disconnected his connection. Hermano are you alright? Ask Ben with worried as he knock on the door. Se estoy bien just give me a moment. Said Tk 1-000 until they both realize that one of them learn how speak Spanish. My friend you just learn Spanish yay! Yelled Ben with excitement as Tk-1000 feels the pain around his neck side where he was attacked by SkyNet. We must celebrate my amigo today. Said Ben making Tk 1-000 to smile at his proudness if only he could've done more to make his army feel the same. Told you both Tk would learn to speak Spanish! Said Ben who was payed 3 dollars while there bet was 5 dollars and knowing them they always have a problem with the letters of his name he has which make him very unlikable among in the police station even the supervisor. Do you really think that we care about him he is nothing compare to us. Said the mean coworkers that Ben hated so much but still stays by Tk side even though Ben kinda thinks it's to much for him to work with Tk for he wanted to kill John Connor from the past present and future.  We had a deal Estupido hijo de puta! Yelled Ben towards the two guys that started laughing at his Spanish.  Listen we don't know What did you say because we don't speak your language! They laugh which made Tk to stand behind Ben. Now I don't like when my partner is being mocked because of his language and I don't care about you both not understanding him. Said Tk as Ben looks at the both men with a funny face. But I want you to respect him Estupido hijo de puta. Said Tk as they walked towards the elevator. What does that even mean? Ask the guy with nervous. It's means Stupid Mother Fucker. Said Tk as the elevator goes down towards the garage where they both need to sign in to get there weapons and the keys.  Ben your alright? Ask Tk for he knows that he is struggling to hold his feelings back. Do you think signing up for being a Police of Los Angeles was a big mistake after all they only see color and I just don't like it. Said Ben only for Tk to change his appearance of his skin. What how did! Ask Ben with a surprise expression. Listen the person you see now wasn't always the best at trying new things not until she became a medical women on her team to help save the rebellion that was getting sick from a plague but not just her team she  saw someone who was bleeding out almost close to be death for she did not have the right medication to save her team and the person until she decided to go to a far side of the city by foot and when she realized that the city was run down by maybe 8 SkyNets robots in her way and the Hospital that might have medicine for her team. Said Tk as he looks at his hand that reminded him about her how she decided to show her the bright side of war rather than the bad side. What happened next? Ask Ben. She fought bravely against the SkyNet until she reached the hospital and grabbed everything but she should've never go alone for she met the enemy who showed no mercy. Said Tk towards Ben who felt uneasy about the story. She fought hard for her team and her friend until she used her cleaver ways as her advantage towards the enemy only if she new they were after her because of that man who somehow was bleeding. She never give up on him and she decided to not give up on herself as she started walking back towards her team with the medicine to  cure her team and along with the man. Said Tk remembering when he woke up and turns to face her and he hugs her until he felt her side wet and looks at his hand seeing the blood of hers. Lyla stay with me! Yelled Tk as he carries her to the bed and try to to help her as much as he could only for her to hold onto him as she close her eyes and went limp on the bed. After that everyone instead of being sad about her death they were instead took it as a reminder that she was a leader who had the courage to fight which every Time her team were to fight they were each take on the fight towards her death. Said Tk who change back to his normal skin color. Man that must've been tough for everyone back in your world. Said Ben towards Tk. Yes it's was if only the man could've faced the enemy not make his team die. Said Tk only to mumble the last part for Ben not to hear it. Tk you have to share more of your stories or else you might have to take me there. Said Ben as the elevators door open making Tk to laugh. For our sake we find John Connor and T-800. Said Tk as they both walk towards the counter to put there names on the list to pick up there keys and the car. Right your brother right? Said Ben with curious. No we are not brothers and we are nothing. Said Tk as they walk towards the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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