05. I see through you

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I sit there for a moment trying to come up with some sort of excuse other than the truth. I'm not sure what everyone knows about my situation, but I'm sure they are aware of enough. That alone doesn't make this easy, I can't help but feel embarrassed by the predicament I've found myself in. However, if Missy is still the person she once was if I avoid eating much longer she will probably hold me down and spoon feed me herself.

A long and deep sigh slips from my lips as I throw my head back dramatically.
"Okay. I'll be down in like five" I finally say after a moment.

He gives me soft smile as he shakes his head in agreement before shutting my door but not closing it all the way. I slip out of bed, my bare feet hitting the plush carpet on the floor. My body is wrecked with a dull ache as my limbs stretch out of the contorted position they've been in for far too long. After they readjust I flip the switch to the lamp that sits alone on the small bedside table, allowing the room to fill with its dull light for the first time in days.
I pull a clean sweater and sweatpants from my still packed duffel bag before stripping down to my undergarments to change.

As I turn my back to the small mirror that hangs solo on the wall I catch a glimpse of a dark bruise on my backside that runs from the smalls of my back to the bottom of my ribcage. The outer edges a deep blue almost black as it fades into a sickly shade of purple at the center. The sight makes me gulp loudly as i find it hard to pull my eyes away from the blemish. The color of it stands out vibrantly against my pale surface. I slowly bring my hand back around to touch it lightly. The small contact sending a wave of pain though my back, causing my hand to snap away quickly as I hiss in pain.
"Fuck" I mutter out to myself

  The door opens abruptly with a light knock, my entire body whipping around away from it in one quick movement. My almost bare chest is now facing the wall , as I bring my arms up to conceal myself.

"Shit sorry, Roni. I was just checking on you" I hear Noah call out from behind me. The panic leaves my body for a moment, but soon returns as I realize that not only am I half naked in front of him, but the gnarly bruise on my back is fully on display. I turn to face him without thinking, trying to avert his eyes from seeing the embarrassing mark on my body. I soon realize that itself was a mistake when I remember how my breasts nearly bust out of the two sizes too small bra I have on. A heat rises to my cheeks as I grab my sweater off the bed, and throw it over my bare upper half.

"Shit I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd be getting dressed" Noah admits clearing his throat harshly as he darts his eyes everywhere but at me to avoid the inevitable awkward eye contact.

Thankfully my top is long enough to cover most of my bottom half, but still feeling naked I take a seat on the edge of the bed. Pulling my long shirt down to conceal myself more.

"It's fine. I should have locked the door" I reassure as I peer up at him bashfully slightly chewing on my bottom lip. I can still feel the red hot blush that coats my cheeks. Noah and i have been in many innocent situations involving very minimal clothes before. However, that was when we were kids and neither one of us had much body to show, and the bikinis I wore were a bit more modest than the thong and push up bra I had on.

His face is also flushed slightly as he shoves his hands into the pocket of his black sweatpants.
"Nick told us you were coming down to eat with us. I wanted to check on you before now, but I figured you just wanted your space" he admits shyly as his eyes finally stop dancing around the room and land on mine. They sparkle with an emotion I can't quite read, a flat expression painting his face.

His words ping at my heart slightly reminding me just how much things have changed between us. When we were younger he didn't know what boundaries were. It didn't matter if I was taking a shit at 3 am, if he was worried he was coming in to reassure himself that all was well. Now he lets me lay in my own sorrow for two days, too afraid to bother me in fear of rejection or retaliation. As much as it pains me to admit, I know I have no one but myself to blame.

Glass Houses || [Noah Sebastian]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang