First Day at School

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Miraculous Ladybug

The next day Naruto yawns as he nibbles on some toast while he walks to school while carrying his school bag as he had the box that the old man gave him yesterday after helping him since he didn't know why but something told him it was important he will need it later. "You okay kit?" Kurama's asked him as Naruto sighs a bit as he drinks some orange juice he had put in a thermos. "Yeah I'm fine just feeling a bit nervous but I'm also feeling excited." Naruto says to him making Kurama grin. "No need to worry kit by the end of the day not only will be able to make some real friends but you'll also be beating men back with a stick." Kurama says to him with a smirk making Naruto almost choke on his drink as a deep shade of red appears on his face.

His eye then begins to twitch by Kurama's laughter. "Stupid fox." Naruto says sounding embarrassed while annoyed. He gets to the school he was gonna attend and goes inside, he looks around and finds the class he was in and knocks on the door. "Come in." A woman's voice says and Naruto comes inside the classroom as Ms. Bustier smiles at him. "Class we have a new student joining us, I like you to meet Naruto Uzumaki he's joining us all the way from Japan." She tells everyone with a smile on her face as Naruto smiles at everyone. "Hey everyone I hope we can all get along dattebayo." Naruto says to them making his teacher smiles at him.

His new teacher tells him to go take a seat and Naruto looks around and spots a red haired boy drawing in his notebook and goes to sit down next to him.

Later on at lunch Naruto goes to eat as he looks for a place to sit when he noticed a girl with glasses waving him over. "Hey Naruto want to sit with us?" Ayla calls out to him making him grin and goes to sit with her and another girl who has blue hair that was up in twin ponytails. "Hey, I'm Alya, and this my friend Marinette." She says to him introducing herself and the other girl to him while Marinette smiles a warm kind smile at him.

"Nice to meet you Naruto, how's your first day of school?" She asked him curiously making him happy to tell them. They end up talking with each other until lunch time was over as Alya was using her phone to update her blog about how a new student had joined their class as Naruto looks at her blog and tilts his head a bit when he saw that it was talking about a hero known as Ladybug. "Who's Ladybug?" Naruto asked her curiously tilting his head like a fox.

"Ladybug, is a hero she's the protector of Paris her and Cat Noir they protect Paris from a villain known as Hawk Moth." She tells him making Naruto very interested. "Really? That's so cool." He says to her with stars in his eyes. "I know right? So keep your eyes peel you may end up seeing them today." She tells him making Naruto nod his head as he was about to say something else when he noticed a guy who was his classmate Kim talking to Chloe as he had a love poem made for her.

"Hey umm Chloe, do you want to go to the movies this Friday?" He asked her making her scoff and roll her eyes and ripped up his poem before his very eyes. "Me go to the movies with you? Please I rather kiss a monkey than ever go out with you." She tells him with a smirk and laughs and walk away making Kim upset and run off making both Alya and Marinette glare at Chloe. "Who's that snob?" Naruto asked them as Marinette scoffs. "That's Chloe, she's a bully and she always badly treat others all because her daddy has money and is the Mayor and what's worst no one will do anything against her because of it." She says with an annoyed look on her face.

"Honestly the apple doesn't fall far from the tree you remember Chloe's mom? She was a horrible person too I guess meanness runs in the family huh?" Alya says with an eye roll as Naruto glares at Chloe. "She's sounds like a horrible person, a real spoiled brat." Naruto says he hated people like that making both of the girls laugh. "Yeah that's true." Marinette laugh making Naruto smile he felt so happy he was finally making some friends.

Back with Kim he was in the bathroom with the ripped up poem in his hands as he begins to cry which unfortunately got noticed by Hawk Moth. "Ah young love, a breeding pool for despair so perfect for my akuma." Hawk Moth says evilly grabbing a butterfly and corrupting it. "Fly away my little akuma and evilize him." He says and the akuma flies inside the school and goes inside Kim's poem.

"Heart Breaker, I am Hawk Moth I give you the power to take revenge on the ones who rejected you all I ask in return is to take Ladybug's and Cat Noir's miraculous." He says with a smirk as Kim smiles evilly. "I'll break their hearts Hawk Moth." He says evilly and he begins to change.

A few minutes after Kim had ran into the bathroom Naruto and his new friends were heading to class together when suddenly they heard screaming and they see Kim who was now akumatized using his new powers to make everyone sad and break their hearts as anyone who was hit by his new powers had their hearts broken.

Nathaniel was about to get hit when Naruto runs over and pushes him out of the way barely dodging Heart Breaker's attack. "Are you okay?" Naruto asked Nathaniel who nods his head as everyone begins to run and hide as Naruto runs to the bathroom locking the door as he slides to the floor.

"Shit what should I do?" Naruto says as he knew he had plenty of jutsu to use to help out in this situation but knew they could kill Kim which was something he didn't want to do plus he didn't want anyone to find out he was a ninja so he knew that was completely out of the question. Naruto looks at his bag and remembers the box he got he takes it out and opens it up and was shocked to find a choker of some kind.

 Naruto looks at his bag and remembers the box he got he takes it out and opens it up and was shocked to find a choker of some kind

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(This is what his miraculous looks like if you don't know what the dragon Miraculous looks like.)

He thought it was strange it looked like a regular necklace but then there was a glowing light and suddenly a small dragon like being appears before him smiling at him.

(And this is what Longg looks like if you don't know

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(And this is what Longg looks like if you don't know.)

"Hello young man it's so nice to meet you." Longg greeted him in a polite tone as Naruto did the one thing that all normal people did in this situation, he screamed.

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