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"I like your fingers."
"They're so... bony-ish."
"Don't laugh, it's a compliment."
"I like your fingers too."
"They are long and slender."
"They aren't slender. They're thick banana fingers."
"I like your thick banana fingers."
"You have unusual tastes."
"You know what would look good on them?"
"A ring."
"What's with you, are you proposing?"
"I don't know. Maybe."
"You dummy."
"It's honestly just a piece of paper. But I would like to marry you."

"What are you thinking about?"
"About how, as a child, I always imagined my future differently. I thought I'd be waiting at the altar for a beautiful bride in a white dress. I'd have a family. How did you imagine it?"
"I didn't. Maybe me and my golden retriever."
"And instead, you ended up with me."
"There's almost no difference."
"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Do you regret you won't have a beautiful traditional wedding?"
"No. Standing at the altar and looking at a handsome man's face seems better to me right now."
"Are you going to stand in front of a mirror?"
"You flirt."

"I want to marry you."
"You changed your mind?"
"There was nothing to change. I love you and always have."
"Very romantic."
"Answer something. I feel stupid."
"I also want to marry you. And I love you too."
"Me too."
"Yes, you emphasized it about a second ago."
"I said it instinctively! Because of the stress!"

"Do you want children?"
"It was just an image in my head, so no, not really. I wouldn't be a good father. But you..."
"Me neither."
"You like children."
"Many people like children. That doesn't mean they would make good parents."
"You are patient and kind. You would definitely..."
"I like you more than a child that doesn't exist right now."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."

"Should we buy rings?"
"Do you want to?"
"I don't know. It's a tradition."
"We can."
"So we're really doing this."
"Now I want to kiss you."
"Then do it."

"So this is for real? You're never, ever going to leave me?"
"I'm not planning to. And you?"
"It depends. If you ever stop practicing the violin every day, then..."
"Makes sense. You deserve someone who will practice 40 hours."
"No, I never want to leave you. I can't live without you anymore, I'm addicted. Who will make phone calls and write e-mails for me?"
"Yes, you have no choice. You must stay with me."
"What a romantic reason."
"But it works."
"Hug me."

"Yes, Eddy?"
"Please don't fall out of love with me."

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