018. The Two Old Friends, Scheming and Manipulation

Start from the beginning

"I am a loyal and married man," Daemon said.

Daemon's voice and demeanour could have fooled almost anyone, the loving look in his eyes when he mentioned the word married, the soft voice that made him appear as less of a threat and the casual way he stood as though he had not just been caught for his actions and misdoings. It could have fooled almost anyone, often fooling the likes of Viserys and other High Lords, but it couldn't fool Naenya. She knew it was all a facade, and she could see the seams where the mask finished, and his true face peeked through. 

Daemon was not a large threat to her. Naenya knew that much. The two had become intertwined by fate the moment Naenya claimed the Dragon Devourer. 

The two worked well together, with their dragons that were too different from the rest of the flock, but they could also argue as efficiently with each other as they did arguing as a team against others. That was especially true when it came to Rhaenyra. 

"You certainly are married, alright. I can agree with that much," Naenya said, bringing her drink to her lips, "I do ask that you listen to my words,"

Daemon nodded. Naenya could see through his eyes and saw how his brain was processing and considering. Her shoulders loosened as she watched Daemon consider her words. She just hoped he would actually listen to them. 

"We both hold Rhaenyra in high regard," Daemon acknowledged, raising his cup towards Alicent and Otto Hightower in fake toast, "But what do we do about the vultures circling my brothers dying body,"

Naenya sighed. It had been a question she had pondered for some time now. 

"I've spent quite a bit of time in the council -"

"You have my condolences-" 

"I'm talking, shush," Naenya interrupted her uncle as he had her, giving him a playful smile before turning more sombre, "This is serious. I believe Otto Hightower is conspiring with some of the council members to have Aegon placed on the throne,"

"Kill him then, Otto Hightower and the babe," Daemon shrugged as though it were that simple, "Cut them down, I can use Dark Sister to serve justice for you,"

For Daemon, it likely was that simple. Naenya, however, was not willing to crown herself the Mad Queen just yet. She knew how simple it would be for her to be considered a crazed ruler, how simple it would be to create an uproar over a single action she took. She could see the Lords marching to cut her down already. 

She was not King. A King could strike down anyone they wished and be as aggressive as they pleased. That was the actions of a man. After all, they were allowed to kill as they pleased. It was in their nature. 

Naenya was no man. Simple Kingly acts would get her in far too much trouble in her early days. Perhaps once she had been Queen for a decade or so, she would be able to act in such ways. But that was a long time away, and Naenya couldn't wait until then to deal with the Hightowers. 

"I would need evidence to get Viserys to act. Unless Otto spoke the words directly to him about it, my father would never believe," Naenya said, watching Otto Hightower float from Lord to Lord, "And I cannot be the one to cut down my own brother, it would cause an outcry. I'd be considered an evil witch,"

"A feared evil witch," Daemon said, glancing towards the guards around them, "And there can be ways Aegon can be dispatched of that make it impossible to be traced back to you,"

"There would be whispers, and certain Lords only need a simple nod to march against a female ruler," Naenya shook her head, "We need to think more strategically,"

"We could kill Alicent, an assassin from the deceased crab feeders' loyal ranks coming to avenge his master. I could find a man, catch him afterwards and kill him in the name of the King," Daemon said lowly, his Valyrian becoming lower and more rough sounding as he turned serious, "It would send a warning to our lovely Hand, and it would prevent you from having any more rivals to your claim,"

"No, Otto would have his revenge," Naenya said, her jaw clenching as she considered her options, "We will turn Aegon against his mother and the hand. We will turn him towards us,"

Daemon watched his niece in confusion, attempting to read her thoughts through her face. Naenya, however, had become well-trained in the art of concealing her true feelings. 

"I feel bad for Alicent. She didn't deserve to be sold off to my father," Naenya said softly, her eyes softening only momentarily, "She did not wish to be a mother. This will make her a poor one. We can use this against her,"

Naenya watched the pregnant Alicent hold her stomach, a flash of momentary discomfort clouding her eyes as she tried to sit down. The red of her dress did not suit her complexion at all, it was not a colour she should have been forced to wear. She could see the Tully blue or the pale Tyrell green suiting her much better. A softer, less powerful colour would do the girl best. 

"I cannot imagine Alicent or Otto being particularly good parental figures. Viserys will soon return all his attention to Rhaenyra," Naenya said, turning to watch as the words began to form into plans in Daemon's eyes, "That will leave poor Aegon with nothing,"

"Nothing but us," Daemon concluded, an impressed smile coming to his face. 

"If I am all Aegon has as a mother figure, one of the only people who truly loves him," Naenya explained, nodding to herself as she consolidated the plan, "Then he will never turn against me, no matter how much the Hightowers attempt to make him,"

author typing...

Bruh, Naenya be Scheming and Daemon be manipulating 24/7. But yes, Naenya has been growing up a lot since she first got crowned heir and she's making plans!

And yes, while they were speaking they were speaking entirely in High Velaryion. They weren't just casually like 'WE SHOULD KILL OTTO' out loud 

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