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I know people really hate this type of stuff, and to be honest me too. I wouldn't want to read a whole chapter worth of explaining how the story works so the readers don't get confused either. But it would be fundamental if you really do wanna read this story without any problems.

Alright, firstly I'd like to welcome you to this book, very nice to have people actually liking my content. Secondly I would like to restate all the warnings that were in the description but need to be said again for certain people

Tw's and Cw's:
- Characters out of character (This will be explained)
- LGBTQ themes
- Possible homophobia
- Possible Internal Homophobia
- Toxic Masculinity
- Possible dirty and dark humor
- Many, Many Headcanons

Next I will need to explain the out of character content. Most of the characters are very out of character.. which is.. obvious... But all of them keep their stereotypes apart of themselves in some way. Like an actual human being. Because of the many headcanons emplaced onto the characters some of them will seem odd. And I know some characters will confuse you like "wait but this character didn't act like this on the show at all!!" I have a strong belief people act differently off camera....

Anyways now that that has been said you may proceed onto this fanfic. Have fun, or don't! Make sure to comment. Really love those!

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