#15 (Reign of Supermen Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"...Clone? Like... Sci-fi biologically engineered sort of thing? Can you elaborate on that further for us?" She asks while tilting her head slightly.

"Sure, if you wish. I am a being who was given life through the science of cloning. My one and only purpose to replace my predecessor, who held the name 'Superman' before me. I've been given I could possibly need to continue on where he left off. Power, knowledge of his adversaries, adaptability, and the drive to fight crime."

"Wow... I'm not quite sure what to say here, except it wasn't anything close to what I was expecting to hear. I guess this means technology is advancing faster than everyday folk like us realizes. " The hostess comments just before a roaring 'BOOOOM !' erupts from a distance outside. The explosion is enough to send a small quiver through the floor and startle everyone inside the studio. 
"What in the world was that just now!?" The hostess exclaims as she jumps out of her seat.

"A police chase in the sky, and they're dishing on some heat! " Superman answers while also standing. His eyes adopt a vibrant color of monochrome - a physical change that signifies the usage of his x-ray vision - as he looks up at and through the ceiling.  He spares a brief moment to look over his shoulder and at Kelly.
"No worries, ma'am. Superman's got this." He assures, flashing a pearly white toothy grin and giving a thumbs up. Then in the next millisecond, he takes off within a gust inducing blur. He travels through building and makes his way out of one of its exits. Outside, he doesn't hesitate at all to launch toward the sky like a rocket and curves midflight to head right for the helicopter chase taking place.

"C'mon, c'mon! Use all them rockets, boys! No point in saving 'em!" The pilot exclaims to his peers in the back, who're in the middle of loading the two rocket launchers they have onboard with more ammunition. 

"Yeah, yeah, we know! You just focus on keeping this thing steady." One of the men with a ski mask on retorts as he sets up to lean out of the side of the vehicle and take aim. On the opposite side, another peer does the same.
FWOOOSH. . . BOOOM ! The first rocket is shot, which the MPD's copter just barely manages to sway out of the way of. And just as the officer and pilot were adjusting to fly straight again, a second rocket goes flying with perfect trajectory. Another fiery explosion goes off just it appears the rocket makes contact.

"Hell yeah! Direct hit!" One of the men cheers. Though, the celebration is short lived once realization that not only was the police helicopter was still flying, but someone was flying in front of it. A figure in black, in fact. But speculation could be thrown around among themselves, that figure abruptly accelerates and closes the distance with ease.  Both gunmen retreat once an intervention in their plan arrives. One being none other than Connor - the other? The one who simultaneously boards the aircraft from the opposite side? Not a clue. The individual appears to be a man made entirely of steel with a flowing red cape on his back and a large hammer in one of his hands.

"Who are you!?" / "Who are you!?"

"Me?" / "Me?"

"This little act isn't as amusing as you think it is..." /  "Kid, get serious, will you?" Connor and the steel man address one another in perfect synchronization. Just until their third attempt at communicating. 

"What did you say?" / "What did you say?" Once more, the two speak in unintentional unity. Meanwhile the three criminals in masks look upon them in sheer confusion. The two heroes bearing A large bold 'S' on their chests step further inside to approach each other.  At the center , the height difference between them become VERY apparent. The metal stranger standing at 6'7, while Connor glares up at him from his height of 5'11. 

"This isn't some make-believe game, son. You wearing that symbol means carrying a very heavy burden and responsibility." The towering hero informs the clone, emphasizing a bit by pointing at the crest behind Connor's open leather jacket.

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