Comincia dall'inizio

"Huff... I have been running for a while now. System. how much time is left in the mission... Huff." Helena asked as she ran.

*Ding! *

System notification!


The host has three minutes and forty-five seconds left.

It feels like I have been running for hours. This body is too weak. why wasn't I reborn as a boy? There is no use complaining now. As long as I have the system, I can level up and become the strongest... But was I a little... harsh on Nora? She was just trying to look after m-



Helena, yelled as she bumped her leg on a tree root while she was distracted by her thoughts. she falls to the ground, scraping her knees. "Ouch... Ouch, that hurts. Why are there tree roots here."- well I guess you are not supposed to run in a garden like this. "Ugh... got to keep running, system. How much time do I have left?" She asked while sitting on and she held her left knee.

System notification!


The host has ten minutes left for the mission to be completed.

"What!!!... what do you mean ten minutes? You just said I had three minutes left seconds ago." She yelled at the system.

System notification!


Mission: - Run in the garden for ten minutes before 24 hours is up. [15:01:25. hours remaining]

Hidden info: if the host is interrupted while running, the timer would be reset.

Helena, shocked by what she read on the status screen, frowned. "What the fuck!! that doesn't make any sense. Why is there hidden information?" she asked.

EVIL REINCARNATORDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora