Chapter 3:Illumi

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"hello little sister did you miss your big brother?" Illumi said as he walked in Serenity's room

"What are you doing here? Since when are you back?" Serenity managed to say as she felt like throwing up

"I got back yesterday....." He said

"Say serenity......." He added

Serenity held her breath as she waited
"I heard you and mother got into a fight yesterday and.....
.....that you ran away" he said

"I-"Serenity had no words she was scared ver scared

Illumi was the main cause of her death

But this is a younger him should be fine for now right??.....

"Yes ......we fought.......but i don't regret it" Serenity said looking at the floor

"And why would that be? "

"Because she hit me and pulled my hair out.....i just didn't want to deal with her anymore" she said hugging herself

"You know our mother is the current wife of the head of this family right" he said

"And the "Lady" of this house should not be disrespected" he added

"Lady of the House? What a joke" She whispered but knew He heard her

"So have you apologized for your behavior" he said

"No why would I?" She asked as if it was obvious she would never apologize

"Very well then because you been already given a punishment i guess i can't do much" he said as suddenly he walked over to her and grabbed her by the shoulder and leaned in

"Serenity it seems that lately you've been rebellious and haven't been following the rules....should I teach you?"

Serenity was holding her breath

She had to think fast

And she had to do it now!

"Illumi......don't you think my punishment so far is enough? I can't even leave my room I'm basically in solidarity confinement......" She said trying to get the tension lose

"And why would I care? You didn't follow the rules and that's very bad" he said as he extended his hand at her neck

"Illumi if you do something to me while I'm still grounded you will get in trouble too!" She said

"Father and Grandfather will be angry you didn't follow the rules !" Serenity almost yelled

Suddenly he backed off

"I guess your right" he said

"But how exactly is 3 weeks going to do anything?" He added

"Well......i mean reflect i guess?"

"Oh please you expect me to believe that" he said getting up and started walking outside

But Serenity then got an idea to get her at least one week off punishment

She needed to get in contact fast

But this way she could build up so when the time comes the  family will let her go

She could use it to get what she needs to be in contact with God

But she knew she would be thought to be crazy if she said it

She knew they wouldn't believe her until proven

But she needed to try

"Illumi wait!" She said as she quickly grabbing his shirt wanting to make sure he doesn't leave

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