Twenty Three |

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Twenty Three |

When we left the store, I caught a glimpse of the woman's mortified face and despite my embarrassment, I loved every second of it. I even tossed her a wide grin. Gabriele merely licked his lips and stared down at me with only God knew what thoughts. As we moved down the sidewalk, my attention was caught by a particular store. I paused, my hand shooting out to grab Gabriele's arm. He tensed but paused to follow my gaze. 

"Which one?" he mused. 

I pouted deeply, not caring if he thought I was a disappointment, "T-the brown one."

He hummed before pulling from my grasp and disappearing inside. I chewed at my aching lip as I waited, and I knew exactly what he was doing but when he returned, I couldn't help but feel surprised. My eyes becoming glossy as he handed it to me. 

"Gabriele..." I whispered. 

"Do you like it?" he asked. 

I simply nodded my head, hugging the stuffed animal to my chest. A little brown kiwi bird with button eyes and a soft black bill. He was perfect, so fucking perfect. I looked back to Gabriele and realize he was already walking away. Hurrying after him, I suddenly felt silly.

"Do you think it's weird?" I asked quietly. 

He paused, glancing at me, "Topolina, you are aware of my profession. Si?"    

"Yeah," I replied with confusion.

He looked equally confused, "I kill people. Sometimes good people."

I frowned, "Ok?"

A deep laugh left his lips, the noise sent a wave of pleasure through my body, and I smiled slightly. It was such a pretty noise—it was hard not to smile when he laughed in such a way. We continued walking for a while and I spotted a lingerie store in the distance; it was no doubt our next destination. 

"What will you name it?" he asked. 

I smiled innocently at him, "I'll name him after you. Stronzo."

His eyes narrowed, "Is that so Monello--"

Saved by the sound of his phone. I giggled as he sent me a warning look before answering in Italian. As soon as the other person on the phone started talking, his entire posture changed, his face clearing of any emotion. He stopped in his tracks and I curiously followed suit. His voice deepened with pure quiet rage as he spoke quickly before grabbing my arm and began yanking me back towards the car. I winced before yanking away from him. 

"Stop," I snarled, "I can walk myself. I'm not an idiot."

He sent me a cold look but let go. I willed myself not to cry and reminded myself that today—whatever today was—was nothing. As he spoke on the phone, I walked ahead of him before sliding into the car's passenger side, hugging Stronzo to my chest. 

"Don't be surprised," I whispered quietly to him, "Daddy's always like this."

Gabriele got in a moment later. 

"Jesus Christ Gabriele!" I screamed, clutching my seatbelt as he ran the third red light while hitting a hundred down town like a fucking idiot, "Slow down!"

"Shut up Topolina," he snapped, clutching the wheel hard enough to turn his fingers white, "Sit and be quiet. We will be back at the house in two minutes." 

"What is going on? Why are you driving like an alcoholic?" 

"You'd know that feeling," he snarled. 

I recoiled as if he'd hit me. In a way he did. I sank into my seat and said nothing more as the gates rolled open and he drafted down the driveway. I could see Elena and Lorenzo waiting for him at the front door—both soaked in blood, but I was too numb and enraged to beg my mind to make logical conclusions. The car's door was open before he pulled it into park and he was storming towards the front door. I snapped out of my gaze and scrambled out of the car. 

"Gabriele," I yelled, running after him.  

He paused, turning slightly towards me—no doubt to scold me again. 

I didn't slap him this time, instead, I grabbed the front of his shirt, not caring when Stonzo fell onto the ground. I pulled myself onto my tippy toes so I could get close enough to hit face as I could and then, I hurt him just like he hurt me. 

"I may know the feeling of an alcoholics neglect," I snarled, keeping my voice cold and calculated, "But you know what I also know? I know the feeling of my best friend, no, my sister dying two feet away from me because you weren't there." 

Lorenzo inhaled sharply, and his reaction fueled my satisfaction.

Gabriele's hand grabbed my neck hard, his eyes dark, "Be quiet."

"Why?" I laughed like I had a death wish, and maybe I did, "What will you do if I don't Diavolo? Will you murder another innocent person? Or will you sentence me to death like--"

"--Don't speak her name," he snarled, showing more emotion than ever. 

"Mia," I screamed, tears dripping down my face, "Her name is Mia, and I will speak it like a fucking prayer. You will not tell me that I cannot speak her name. You will not tell me I cannot speak her name. I wasn't the one who killed her, you were! You don't give a fuck about your men; you treat them like pawns in a pathetic game!" 

"Poppy!" Lorenzo yelled, cutting in, "Mattia's been shot."

It felt like all the air had been sucked out of my lungs and I looked at Gabriele, a laugh flying from my lips as I stepped back. His hand fell from my flesh, and he just stared at me, his face revealing nothing but, in his eyes, I could see the torment. I just didn't care. 

"You've killed them both then," I whispered, "Are you happy now?"

Elena stepped forward, "You're out of line."

"Lasciala stare," Gabriele rasped with a smirk, "What now American?"

"Fuck you Gabriele," I snarled, picking up Stronzo and looking to Lorenzo, "Where is Mattia? Is he alive? What happened?"
    Lorenzo glanced over my shoulder, and I knew he was seeking Gabriele's permission. I fucking hated that but at least he must had nodded because Lorenzo was leading me inside. I hurried after him as he led me to a different part of the house. As soon as we reached the door, I threw it open. There was a clinic set up in the room, and I paused, my eyes falling on Mattia. A strangled sob broke from my lips as I stared at him lying in the bed with so many wires set up to him. Beside him, covered in blood was Marcella. She glanced at me nervously. 

"Poppy," she spoke softly, "You should go to your room for now."

"Will he live?" I whispered. 

She nodded patiently, "He will. He was shot in two different places, but both were flesh wounds. I've taken the bullets out and stitched him but this room isn't sterile, and neither are you. I need to make sure he doesn't get an infection." 

I could only picture Mia laying there and all her words grew fuzzy. I wobbled back and forth and hands grabbed my shoulders. I blinked, realizing Lorenzo had steadied me. 

"Poppy, are you alright?" he asked quietly. 

Blink once, then twice. 

I forced a laugh, "Y-yeah. Sorry. I'll go to my room."


I turned, my brain's autopilot taking over as I numbed out. The house was in chaos: so many faces I didn't recognize moving around and I just moved like a sack of flour up the stairs then into my room. Gabriele was speaking quietly, each word spoken like venom with his office door wide open. I wondered if he wanted me to hear, or maybe he just didn't care. I stepped into my bedroom and let the door close behind me. Stronzo tumbled from my arms and onto the floor and I only made it two feet towards the bed before my knees buckled.

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