Tribute, R.I.P Maon Kurosaki

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In loving memory to Maon Kurosaki, rest in peace. You will be missed by Toaru and non-Toaru fans alike, Thank you for making the best banger openings of all times.

Sasaki woke up with his arm under Mugino's head. It was 4 in the morning, deciding he needed to do something he went out of bed slowly without waking Mugino up. He walked out the room and looked down the corridor, seeing no one he went out of the inn and looked at the morning sky.

Sasaki: Tomorrow night, will be the night the army of the dead will be attacking

Sasaki looks back down and looks around town spotting a small bread shop.

Sasaki: That's when we'll end our time here, killing Ainz. 

Sasaki walks forward and into the bread shop, a young petite shop keeper stands on a stool as she introduces herself.

Shop keeper: Good morning sir! what will you be having today?

Sasaki: Muffins, 2 of them. If you can, I would like to have tea and coffee please

Shop keeper: would that be to go?

Sasaki: Yeah

The girl nods before hopping of the stool and running to the back of the shop where she starts preparing Sasaki's order. Sasaki sits down on a chair and looks at his hands, he is contemplating in his own head whether what he did was good or not.

The shop keeper notices this and decides to talk to Sasaki.

Shop keeper: What's your name young fella?

Sasaki looks up at her and sees she is still preparing.

Sasaki: Aren't you younger than me?

The shop keeper giggles before looking at Sasaki.

Shop keeper: I'm 23 years old for your information hehe

Sasaki: That's still 3 years younger than me

The shop keeper was surprised by this, and places a hand to her mouth.

Shop keeper: My your pretty cute looking for being an older fella

Sasaki sighs and looks annoyed.

Sasaki: By the way, my name's Sasaki

Kurosaki: Kurosaki, pleased to meet you Sasaki

Sasaki: Like wise

Kurosaki: Likewise? sounds fancy

Sasaki: Well it isn't

Kurosaki: So, Tell me what's on your mind

Sasaki looks down contemplating whether to tell her before he sighs and looks back up at her.

Sasaki: Well, I have a friend. He has this girl, me and the girl did things together last night. He and the girl seem close, but me and the girl like each other

Kurosaki: My, why quite the strange situation

Sasaki: I guess it would be weird

Kurosaki: So, where is the problem in that?

Sasaki looks confused before sighing again.

Sasaki: Well, I feel that it was wrong for me to sweep the girl off her feet

Kurosaki: Is the girl and your friend together?

Sasaki: Well, no

Kurosaki: Then there's nothing wrong with it

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