Let's prepare our shield hero for the future!!

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Naofumi: What do we do next guys?

Kinzaki: Well, first we would want to train you

Sasaki: Oh, that's right we have to train him to be that strong

Naofumi: How what strong?

Sasaki: Nothing~

They then spot a few ball monsters and walk over to it.

Mugino: Here form a team with us, and we will upgrade your levels before you fight these things

Naofumi: How do I do that?

Mugino: Ugh do we really have to do everything ourselves? here

Mugino then opens her stat list and sends a party request.

Mugino: There now accept

Naofumi: Ok there I accepted it

Mugino: Good now guys send him a party request too

Everyone then nods their heads as they do so.

Naofumi: There I accepted all of it

Sasaki: Good, we can get to training now

They then start running to the ball monsters.

Naofumi: Where are you guys going?

Izumaki: Just sit back and watch how much GUTS we have

Izumaki then turns back to the group.

Kinzaki: Ok, so what is the game plan guys?

Sasaki: I will slam them into the air and you guys just kill them while they are there

Mugino: That's an actual good plan!!

Sasaki: Shut it!!

Sasaki then takes another step and suddenly the ball monsters fly into the air, and Mugino fires 6 beams as them. Popping them and racking up 2 levels.

Mugino: That was pretty cool!!

Sasaki: Izumaki You slam the ground next. Me and Qliphah will attack this time

Izumaki: My GUTS will aid me in this one!!

Izumaki then jumps up into the air and he smashes the ground, cracking it and launching bits of rock and Ball monsters into the air.

Izumaki: PANCHI!!

Sasaki then jumps up with Qliphah following behind. Qliphah then fires 25 needles hitting all the targets, while Sasaki sent 2 black tornadoes at them destroying 36 more ball monsters. Sasaki then lands on the ground with Qliphah floating right behind him.

Izumaki: That was awesome!! You showed so many GUTS!!

Kinzaki: I want to try next!!

Mugino: That was fucking epic!!

Sasaki: Yeah, how much levels did we get?

They then open their stat list and get shocked.

Mugino: 30 fucking levels!!

Sasaki: Holy shit that is a lot!!

Kinzaki: Now, I really want to try

They all then run into the forest as we see Naofumi surprised at how much levels he has.

|Naofumi Pov|

Naofumi: They had just run ahead, and now I see them jumping around destroying the ground and killing Balls

Naofumi then checks his stat list.

Naofumi: Now I am level 57. I have even unlocked other shields now!!

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