Fixing the problem's, the scum will make in the future

267 7 120

|Author's note|

Author: = Speaking

() =Thinking

** = Action

|Author's note end|

The light shined through as it hit's Sasaki's eyes, as he opens them to see a beautiful scene, Asami with one leg over his leg, Mugino with her arm on his chest while Qliphah was laying on his belly and Raphtalia was lying next to him as Suzutani was resting her head on his shoulder.

Sasaki: (I know what I said last night but...) This is very tempting...

The door then bursts open as we see the other boys come through.

Kinzaki: Sasaki look at what we found...

Kinzaki then turns and sees Sasaki and the others.

Naofumi: We waited the whole night for it but we finally...

Naofumi then sees the same scene with Kinzaki.

Izumaki: Oh, did you watch over Asami?

Izumaki seemingly unphased by what he sees just asks him that question, as Sasaki just gets up.

Sasaki: Yeah, yeah you guys took a while, so they decided to come sleep with me

Izumaki: Well, thanks for protecting them while we were gone

Izumaki then pats Sasaki's shoulder.

Kinzaki: ...

Naofumi: ...

Sasaki: What, worried?

Kinzaki shakes his head as he tries forgetting what he saw.

Kinzaki: Anyway, look at what we have!!

They then show an egg.

Sasaki: So, you finally got it, filo...

Suzutani then sits up as she heard this.

Suzutani: You finally got Filo!!

Sasaki then pats her head.

Sasaki: Yep, they got her already

Suzutani then walks over to them and takes the egg.

Suzutani: So when do you think it will hatch?

Sasaki: If given some time it should be able to hatch by this afternoon

Suzutani nods as she gives it back, as she does this the other girls start to wake up.

Mugino: *Yawn* What the fuck are you guys talking about?

Asami: Oni-Chan *yawn* are you finally back?

Izumaki then picks up Asami and spin around.

Izumaki: HAHAHAHA I am finally back Asami!!

Asami: E-Eh Oni-Chan why so lively in the morning?

Izumaki then puts her down and hugs her.

Izumaki: I just missed you so much Asami

Asami then hugs him back.

Asami: I missed you to Baka

We go to Kinzaki and the others as they stare at this.

Kinzaki: They are so happy together, right?

Mugino: No shit

Mugino then says under her breath.

Mugino: We can do that too you know baka~

Kinzaki then leans down.

Kinzaki: Said something?

The level 5's gets isekai'dWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt