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Name:  Emery Aurora Grambs

Age: 16

Date Of Birth: October 18th 2004

Gender: Female

pronouns: She/Her

Eye color: Hazel 

Hair: Strawberry Blond

Hight: 5,4


-She has been dancing since she was 2

- She loves starbucks

-She is scared of the dark and blood

-She is Very organized with her life

-She bites her bottom lip when she is nervous, scared, or thinking

-She has a Boyfriend that she loves very much but know he cheats

-She is very sassy and sarcastic


Hanna Rooney ( Mom ) Toby Hawthorne Laughlin ( ??? )( You will find out later into the book.) Avery Grambs (sister) Libby Grambs (Half sister).

Friends: Avery Grambs( Sister / Bestie) , Libby Grambs ( Sister/ Bestie),  Jameson Hawthorne (Love interest/ Friend), Grayson Hawthorne ( Love interest/ Friend), Anna Hamilton ( friend/ Enemy), Brody smith ( Boyfriend/ Enemy ), Xander Hawthorne ( BESTIEEE ), Nash Hawthorne ( Brother figure / friend).


Mother: Aurora

Avery: Ems

Libby: Emy

Jameson: Sleeping beauty

Grayson: Miss Grambs/ Emery

Nash: Kid

Brody: Babe/Bae


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