Chapter 6

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She said and handed the letter to Wei Wu Xian.

Wei Wu Xian took and read the letter.


"Wei Ying are you okay?" Lan Wangji asked.

" Lan Zhan she's..." The only phrase that come successfully out of his mouth.

Lan Wangji took the letter and read it.


The letter:

My beloved Wei Wu Xian,

I hope you loved my gift to you.

Don't worry someone important to you, but also responsible for our separation and our family's distraction.

Don't worry I won't hurt the person in your heart, except if that person is the reason for our separation.

Take Care and be safe.

Lovingly yours,



Lan Wangji crumpled the paper after reading it.

" Hanguang Jun please*sob* take care of*sob* Xian-gege, and also*sob* yourself. She told me*sob* that*sob* she'll harm*sob* a person close to him*sob* for destroying*sob* their*sob* lives. Please*sob* I don't like*sob* Xian-gege will*sob* suffer." Guiying said in between sobs.

" Does Wei Ying had a lover before he came here?" Lan Wangji asked, hoping there is none.

" No one. The only person he kept blabbering about is you. Only Lan Zhan, Hanguang Jun and your amazing adventures." She said with a little chuckle.

" Do you think that person is targeting me? Maybe she loved Wei Ying." Wangji said.

" So you'll give my brother up? I know you love him." Guiying whispered with a matching smirk.

" Will protect Wei Ying." Lan Wangji said firmly.

" Make sure of that Lan Wangji. I entrust him to you." Guiying said with a firm expression like telling Wangji, 'hurt him I'll kill you' and get up and went near Wei Wu Xian.

" Xian-gege, please be careful." She said as he hugged Wei Wu Xian.

" I will, but what if she hurt you?" He said with a concern look on his face.

" If she planned to kill me she already did that a while ago." She responded.

" Did she tell you why they are killing them?" Wei Wu Xian asked.

" She said she will hurt anyone who made you cry and the reason why you were separated. She also want to kill everyone who went against you before." She responded.

" Who could that person be?" Wei Wu Xian wondered.

" Maybe a person who is important to your life. Someone whom you probably forgot." She responded.

" Guiying maybe you should rest first. This had become a stressful day.

Do you want me to go to your room today. I can accompany you while you sleep." He offered.

" No need. I know that girl won't hurt me. Just value the other person with you now, they won't last long." She said and bow to the elders present and exited the room with a misterious smirk.

" Lan Zhan, I'm afraid now. Maybe I shouldn't have come back. See now the whole cultivation world is in chaos again. I'm such a bad omen." He said while a lone tear escaped from his eye.

" Even if you wouldn't come back here she would revenge for you." Lan Wangji comforted.

" But why would she revenge for me? It's not that I know her." He cried.

" It's fine. You rest first. You're already stressed out." Wangji said as he brought Wei Wu Xian back to Jingshi and they rest not knowing a storm is about to come to their life.

*Next day*

" Hanguang Jun, the Ouyang, Yao, and Zhao clan are outside. They are demanding us to surrender the Yiling Laozu."  A Lan disciple said.

" Why? I haven't done something." Wei Wu Xian defended himself.

" We also don't know senior Wei. We know that you never leave Cloud Reccesses alone. Hanguang Jun is always around you. But they are now outside the gates. We can say thanks to senior Wei for strengthening our barriers or else they already barge in here." The disciple explained.

" I will meet them." Lan Wangji said.

" Lan Zhan I'll come with you. I'm the one they are looking for not you." Wei Wu Xian said and Lan Wangji nodded.


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