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He stalked through Godric's Hollow, his robes swishing menacingly behind him, the world quieting in his wake.

There it was; the house where the boy who was supposed to defeat him rested. He easily stunned the Potters, and crossed into the nursery.

TWO?! He stared at the two infants peering though their cribs. One was labeled: Henry Potter and the other Harry. He felt their auras.

Henry was just barely above a Squib. Harry though-


He raised his wand, ready to fire. It's a shame, though. He would make a good edition to my army of Death Eaters. Too bad he was born into this family. That basically guarantees he won't ever join me.

"Avada Kadavra!"

The last thing he saw was the bright flashing green light that rebounded off of Harry and hit him right in the face.

The last thing he saw was the bright flashing green light that rebounded off of Harry and hit him right in the face

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"Moony! Go check on Lily!" Sirius called while trying to awake James with a spell. "Prong's still breathing, just got stunned!" Lupin rushed off inside the house, through the collapsed heaps of roof.

"Lily?" He called through the dusty haze. He found Lily near the nursery entrance. From what it looked like, she was trying to guard the doorway before He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named stunned her.

"Enervate," Lupin said, pointing his wand at Lily. She shot up, panting.

"Moony! The kids!"

She immediately sat up, grasping the pieces of wall that were still standing, and rushed into the nursery. They were soon followed by James and Sirius.

Harry was in his crib, staring up at them with his killing-curse green eyes. Henry, on the other hand, had fainted. There was a lasting aura of dark magic surrounding the cribs.

"Who defeated You-Know-Who?" James asked, also panting. There was a lightning-shaped scar on Harry's forehead, but there was also a V-shaped scar on Henry's neck.

"Let's call Dumbledore," Sirius suggested. "If anyone will know, he will."

Dumbledore walked in, his purple robes brushing the ground as he entered

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Dumbledore walked in, his purple robes brushing the ground as he entered. He immediately checked Harry and Henry's auras.

Harry- he still had 398 points, way too much for him to have defeated Voldemort. Henry on the other hand, had 103 points left, which wasn't too much than if you added what Dumbledore believed would be enough to take down the Dark Lord. Plus, he had fainted, and Harry had not.

"Henry Potter is the Boy Who Lived," Dumbledore declared. "His V-shaped scar stands for Voldemort," He ignored the flinches, "and he has just the right amount of points to have defeated the Dark Lord, and will most likely become a very powerful wizard when he is around my age."

"How are you sure?" Lily asked, sounding worried. "How are you sure it's not Harry?"

"Harry simply has too much wizarding points left in him. If my calculations are correct, if he defeated the Dark Lord, he would have around 900 maximum points, which is way too high for a one-year-old. His wizarding level would simply be too high, as after he learns only ten spells, he would be above Merlin level, which has never happened before. No wizard should be, or can be stronger than Merlin. It, sadly, is simply just impossible."

From that day on, Henry Potter was known as the Boy Who Lived.

Hello and thanks for reading chapter 1 of Forgotten! I know this is already seeming similar to other "Twins: A Different Life" or whatever they are named stories, as this story is inspired by them (>:( I LOVE THOSE STORIES, OK?). Please give a review, and I would love for you to comment on my work (The comments are always funny).

For clarification, Merlin's level is 1000 wizarding levels.

Henry faints from exposure to Dark Arts.

Dumbledore's level is 964.

If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask!

- normalpeoplezz

This chapter was 563 words long (Not including the notes.)

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