Chapter 1: The Meeting of Two Heroes.

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A lot of people can experience something heartbreaking, but for me? Well... to be honest, it was extremely difficult for me to handle. After my parents had somehow mysteriously disappeared, I spent ages trying to find some clues as to where they are. But one night, they appeared to me as voices telling me to go to a place called Scuttle Town and find someone who could help me find them. That was my mission; and I promised that I would find my parents one way or another; even if it took me forever! But right now, I needed to find Scuttle Town and the person who lived there!

(Logan): I promise that I will find you two; even if I have to search every corner of the world to find you! But first, I have to go to Scuttle Town and find some answers.

Luckily, I had just enough pocket money to buy a one way trip to Scuttle Town via a ship. And it would definitely take me a while to get there at least. So I set off for the docks where the last ship was waiting. I couldn't be late!

After a little while, I had just arrived at the docks before the ship left and I managed to get on just as the ship departed for my destination. I breathed a sigh of relief as I sat down in my little room and looked out the window. I was determined to find my parents; even if it took me forever!

(Logan): Don't worry Mom and Dad; I'll find you two again... I promise.

Eventually, the ship had finally arrived at the dock as everyone else, including myself disembarked from the ship and onto the dock. I breathed a sigh of relief before pulling my hood up so people wouldn't notice my ears and recognise me as a Genie. I then looked up and saw Scuttle Town standing before me.

(Logan): So, this is Scuttle Town

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(Logan): So, this is Scuttle Town. Huh, well... it does kinda look special. Best place to find the Guardian Genie who lives here. I better be extremely careful to not accidentally reveal myself.

I then walked into Scuttle Town whilst looking around nervously. As I was walking, I passed by other people who looked at me with stares that show that I is an odd fellow. Obviously, since I was rather new to the town that I was in, and the fact that I was wearing clothing not seen before, it is understandable that they would react this way. Whilst I was walking, I saw alot of people wearing desert clothing, but I also saw alot of women with their midriff exposed which made me blush a deep red colour.

(Logan): *blushing!* Man, I hate to say it but, this must be my lucky day today! But I should probably focus on finding the Guardian Genie of this place before I'm recognised.

Shantae: The Mysterious Genie. (Shantae x Male Genie Reader)Where stories live. Discover now