Body In The Woods

Start from the beginning

"Professor?" Harry said as Y/N looked around and realised what this was.

"Don't bother Harry, it's a memory, this must somehow allow people to relive memories, this one must be Dumbledore's memory." Y/N said as a man in an Azkaban uniform was raised in a chair into a cage, the man looked like a discount Rasputin, that was when it hit Y/N.

"Igor Karkaroff, you have been brought from Azkaban at your own request to present evidence to this council. Should your testimony prove consequential, council ma be prepared to order your immediate release. Until such time you remain in the eyes of the Ministry a convicted Death Eater. Do you accept these terms?" Crouch Sr said.

"I do, sir."

"And what do you wish to present?"

"I have names sir. There was, uh, Rosier. Evan Rosier."

An official flipped through their papers and spoke to Crouch Sr.

"Mr Rosier is dead."

"Dead? I didn't know."

"If that is all the witness has to offer--"

"No, no, no. There was Rookwood! He was a spy." Igor said.

"Augustus Rookwood? Of the Department of Mysteries?" Crouch Sr inquired.

"The same, he passed information to You-Know-Who from inside the ministry itself."

"Very well, council will deliberate. In the meantime you will be returned back to Azkaban."

"No! Wait! Wait, please! Please, I have more. What about Snape? Severus Snape?"

"As the council is very much aware, I've given evidence on this matter. Severus Snape was indeed a Death Eater and prior to Lord Voldemorts downfall, turned spy for us at great personal risk. Today he is no more a Death Eater than I am." Dumbledore said calmly as Igor argued otherwise.

"Silence! Unless the witness possesses any genuine name of consequence, this session is now concluded." Crouch Sr said.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I've heard about two more." Igor said.

"What's that?"

"The names."

"Yes?" Crouch Sr urged.

"I know for a fact these two took part in the capture and by means of the cruciatus curse, torture of the Auror Frank Longbottom and his wife!" Igor said as he became more erratic.

"The names. Give me the wretched names!" Crouch Sr demanded.

"Bellatrix Black Holmes." Igor said as Harry turned to Y/N who clenched his fist.

"Bellatrix Holmes is not a death eater, if she's a death eater then you're an innocent man!" Moody cried out in anger.

"We'll look into these allegations, and the other?!" Barty ordered as Igor grinned sadistically.

"Barty Crouch...Junior." Everyone turned to a skinny man as he tried to make a run for it only for Moody to knock him down with a spell.

Crouch Jr was dragged by guards to face his own father.

"Get your filthy hands off me you pathetic little men!" Crouch Jr yelled before turning to look at his father. "Hello, Father."

Crouch Sr was in shock as he spoke.

"You are no son of mine." Crouch Sr said as his son screamed with rage while Wednesday, Y/N and Harry were pulled from the memory.

When they looked up they saw Dumbledore stood waiting for them.

"Curiosity's not a sin, if it were Y/N and Miss Addams here would have reserve spots in whatever form hell takes. But you should exercise caution. It's a Pensieve. Very useful if, like me you find your mind a wee bit stretched. It allows me to see once more things I've already seen. You see boys, I have searched and searched for something. Some small detail. Something I might have overlooked. Something that would explain why these terrible things have happened. Every time I get close to an answer, it slips away. It's maddening." Dumbledore explained as he paced around the room.

"Sir, Mr Crouch's son. What exactly happened to him?" Harry asked.

"He was sent to Azkaban. Destroyed Barty to do it. But he had no choice. The evidence was overwhelming. Y/N's Father, Sherlock had to send Bellatrix to Azkaban, the evidence was also overwhelming. Why do you ask?"

"It's just that I...I had a dream about him. It was in the summer, before school." Harry explained, Dumbledore stood up and approached the boys. "In the dream, I was in a house. And Voldemort was there, only he wasn't quite human. And Wormtail was there too. And Mr Crouch's son."

"Have there been others like this dream?"

"Yes, Y/N and Wednesday are in them, but they stop halfway through, like they're stuck in the first part and I'm not. Always the same one. Sir, these dreams, what I see, you don't think it's actually happening, do you?"

Dumbledore turned to the boys.

"I think it's unwise for you to linger over these dreams. I think it's best if you both simply... cast them away." Dumbledore said as he extracted a memory from his head and put it into the Pensieve. "Good night, Wednesday, boys."

They headed back to the common room, but not before professor Snape came in and informed Y/N and Wednesday that someone was stealing supplies from his closet and brewing Polyjuice potion. That night, Y/N and Wednesday snuck to the Room of Requirement where they both went to sleep to get their energy, because tomorrow, was the day of the final task...

Who Fell First? (Year 4) [Wednesday Addams x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now