Chapter 6: Mecha Sonic Mark III

Start from the beginning

"I don't know how you're still alive, but you made a Big mistake coming here!" Said Sonic.

"Oh contraire mon frere! The mistake was thinking that you've won. But that was just a prelude, an d'oeuvre, an aperitif, an Amuse-bouche--"

"I get it!" Muttered Sonic Tersely.

Robotnik chuckles as he walks forward waving a finger. "I don't think you do." Robotnik begins walking forward and adds, " But you're about to. And so will that Mutant Fox and that steroid Echidna."

Sonic makes a fist with Bio-Chaos energy building up.

"And your little Cats friends, too!" He finishes.

Sonic rushes up and time slows as Sonic prepares to punch Robotnik in the face. Robotnik then backs away to reveal...

Another Sonic leaping right at a surprised Sonic.

Time goes back to normal as other Sonic punches Sonic right through a wall, destroying the TV.

The Cats run through the hole in the wall. "Sonic! Are you okay!?" Asked Marie.

 Sonic lays on the couch dazed, as he looks through the wall to see his counterpart looking right at him.

This other Sonic crawled through the hole in the wall and Sonic got a good study of him. 

He was the same height and model, but had a Bionic right arm and left leg, his left shoe was mechanical while his right one was a red puma suede with thin lasses, he has smaller eyes that were black with red iris and shark-like teeth along with slimmer half blue arms.

"Pitiful, Twin Brother!" He stated in a cybernetic voice.

"Wha- Who are you!?" Asked Sonic.

Robotnik sticks his head through the hole, "Where... are my manners?" He opens the door and stands right behind the other Sonic.

"Sonic... meet Mecha Sonic... Mark III. Now even comes as a Cyborg!"

Sonic gets on the floor and picks up the cats

"Look, Robotnik, I don't care who you brought to help you." Said Sonic "You're never going to get the kittens' power."

"Oh, I don't need her power, Broth!" Exclaimed Mecha Sonic, raising his bionic fist to reveal red Bio-Chaos energy coursing through it. Sonic dashes at the two villains, only for Mecha Sonic to spin dash and launch him straight through the wall, making him fall backwards. Sonic regains consciousness and looks to Mecha Sonic, standing across from him, pounding his fists together.

"So nice when Diabolical Evil lives up to the hype." Said Robotnik

Sonic gets to his feet to face Mecha Sonic. "Hand the Bio-Chaos Holder over!

"Oh you want it?" Exclaimed Sonic, and began building up his Bio-Chaos energy, "Here it comes!"

Mecha Sonic just laughed, "You think i'd be wanting your Bio-Chaos? That Bio-Chaos Holder has less than you, She's is unskilled..."

Sonic looks sternly at his Mecha Counterpart.


Sonic gets on his hands and knees.

"And unworthy! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Robotnik gobbles popcorn with his mouth open and putting his head in the bowl since he only has one arm.

"You forgot one." He said, "Unstoppable!"

Sonic zooms right at Mecha Sonic, resulting in an explosion of light. As it dims, it is revealed that Mecha Sonic is holding Sonic in place in his spin attack form with his flesh hand. He walks forward, raises a Bionic arm with unleashed claws, and slams Sonic into the ground, creating a massive explosion of Bio-Chaos energy and a large crater. 

Robotnik drops his bowl in a comedic fashion in slow motion. Katia shields herself from the blast and is grabbed by the throat by Mecha Sonic and is pinned against a tree.

"You're ours now, Cat!" Mecha Sonic stated. 

"Let me go! I didn't do anything to you!" She snapped, "I'm just a kitten!"

He tightens his grip, "You Know, the Only People to have this power, Is Me! And I WON'T LET ANYONE ELSE HAVE THIS POWER!"

Mecha Sonic raises his claws to slash Katia, when the sound of an car engine is heard. Suddenly, a station wagon car crashes through the fence, heading right toward Mecha Sonic, who lets go of Katia, but gets hit and sent into the tree house with Robotnik startled by the ordeal. Tails reveals himself from the drivers seat.

"Come on, get in!" Tails yelled in desperation.

"Tails!" Said Sonic, glad to see his buddy. "Come on, guys. In the vehicle!"

The cats obey. Knuckles is also in the Backseat who helps the young litter in.

Sonic is the last to get into the car, only for Robotnik to leap at the windshield, making Sonic, Knuckles, Tails and the Cat family scream in fear.

Katia shouts, "Get us outta here! Go, go, go, go, go!"

Tails presses a button on his Miles Electric and small magnetic gadgets on the pedals make the car go in circles. Robotnik barks like a dog as he claws at Sonic's side of the windshield. "Aahhh! He's gone rabid!" Robotnik snarls at Tails and proceeds to lick the windshield.

"Gross!" Exclaimed Tails in Disgust, "Is he licking it?!"

Tails turns he car left. "See ya!" He Shouts

Turning left, Tails tosses Robotnik off the windshield screaming 

 and into the bushes as Sonic and the others drive off.

"Make sure to get your shots, Eggman!" Yells Sonic.

Robotnik gets up and looks to the leaving vehicle. Mecha Sonic gets up growling, his eyes glowing a scarlet red as he proceeds to give chase to the car at high speed.

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