Chapter Seven

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Dick took a few weeks to let himself heal before joining the team again. If he was being honest with himself he was also stalling just a bit.

He hadn't seen most of his friends in a year, he was worried how they would react to seeing him again.

He also wasn't back to his best self physically yet. He definitely looked healthier than he had when he'd shown up at the manor, but it was going to take more than a few weeks to get back to his prime.

But he had put it off long enough. Artemis had been pushing him to see everyone again during the past few weeks, and she'd finally managed to convince him.

So there he stood, M'gann and Conner's door in front of him, and Artemis to his right.

He'd been stood there for a few minutes now, his heart pounding in his chest.

Artemis waited patiently, letting him take as much time as he needed. She took his hand gently and gave it a small squeeze to reassure him.

"So are you going to knock or just stand out there forever?" Conner's voice came from the other side of the door, causing Dick to jump a bit.

"Conner!" M'gann scolded.

"What? They've been out there for a while now," Conner chuckled as he opened the door.

"Hey Dick, Artemis," M'gann said. She was in her human form, though she was floating a few feet off the floor, seeming to have just come from another room.

"Hey guys," Artemis said with a smile as she pulled Dick inside.

Dick found his words caught in his throat. There was so much he wanted to say, but he couldn't find the words to say any of it.

"We missed you too," Conner said, almost reading his thoughts. He pulled Dick into a hug and Dick hugged him back tightly.

"You're not mad?" he asked.

"Oh no, I'm pissed," Conner said as he pulled back from the hug. "But I'm more happy that you're back than I am mad that you left."

"You don't need to apologize," M'gann said. This made Dick wonder if she had read his mind, as he was about to apologize for leaving.

"You read my mind?" he asked, sitting down at the kitchen table with Conner and Artemis.

"Don't need to," Conner said with a shrug. "We had the mind link with each other for years. It makes it easier to pick up on things."

"You guys hungry?" M'gann asked as she opened one of the cabinets.

"I'm starving, Penis Man over here didn't let us stop to eat on our way over here," Artemis said, gesturing to Dick as she spoke.

Dick gave her a frown that quickly turned into an amused smirk.

"Great, I made cookies earlier," M'gann said brightly. She floated a tray of chocolate chip cookies out of the cabinet.

"She was up baking all night after you told her you guys were coming over," Conner chuckled. "I couldn't get her to come to bed until after midnight."

"I wanted to make sure I had plenty to offer, Dick probably hasn't had any home cooked food in a while." M'gann took a tone as if she were scolding a child, though it was clear it was lighthearted.

"Thanks M'gann, it was sweet of you," Dick said. "You really didn't need to do that though."

"Yes I did!" M'gann said as she offered him the tray. "You deserve a warm welcome back."

"I took him to Cracker Barrel," Artemis said, taking a cookie off the tray.

"Oh boy," Conner said with a small laugh. "Don't get her started."

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