Chapter 1

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"She didn't mutter a single word." Terrance breathed as we walk out of the room after interviewing Cassie. Or the girl 'behind it all', as the newspapers were calling her.

"They tend not to Terrance." I glance at him as he looks down at his empty note pad. "However, they do eventually."

"What if she doesn't know anything?" Terrance raises one eyebrow.

"She would have said that by now." Our shoes squeak against the floor as the corridors ran empty.

"Why would someone do something like this?"

"It's the millionaire answer."

"She acts so calm?" Terrance scratches his head, as he presses the coffee machine button. "Want one?" he asks as he picks his up.

I nod my head in response.

"Calm? I'm not sure that's calm Terrance. That's more... waiting."

"What do you reckon for?"

"Probably for the same thing we want. What we all want and of course that is-"

"To catch the monster." I raise my coffee cup in agreement.

"But that did really get me thinking, about her being so calm."

"What about it?" he looks at me, sipping from his coffee.

"It's almost like she knew it was coming." I looked through the window, to see the steam from my coffee smearing it up.

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