twenty one; harry styles

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t w e n t y o n e ; harry styles

It's been a whole two weeks since the last time I saw Arabella and she hasn't tried to contact me at all. She said she would and I've been waiting but I got nothing. I was really starting to get worried. I know she needed her space, I don't blame her, but it wasn't like her to leave me hanging.

I knew that she probably didn't want to open up to me anyways. With the way I've treated her, neglected her, made her feel worthless, even I wouldn't want to open up to myself. I know it wasn't a good enough excuse but a stupid rush of hatred runs through my body when I see her, hear her voice, or even hear her name.

I completely blamed 16 year old me for turning me into this kind of person towards her. Arabella was- is- so caring, of course she didn't want to wake me when I was in the States and our dad was a dick so he obviously didn't let her call. Even knowing this now, I still felt a little flame of anger being ignited when I saw her and it really annoyed me.

I was so tempted to just get dressed and go to her flat but I know she would definitely hate me for that. So, I showered and moped around the house. Louis had texted me that he and the guys were going to come over so I cleaned up and made some snacks.

Mum was out house hunting with Robin so I was alone for the day and I really needed the company to keep me from going to see Arabella. And having the guys come over calmed my urge to go over to Niall's and knock some sense into him.

He's my best friend, we were the ones that had the best connection in the whole group, but I couldn't even begin to wrap my head around what he did to my sister. How badly he hurt her by cheating on her with his ex. Even after being cheated on, I didn't think he'd do that to someone else.

I huffed and tied my hair back out of frustration. Even with Niall not near me, he made my blood boil.

There was a knock at the door and I sighed, releasing as much stress as I could. I walked over and unlocked the door, letting in the guys. What surprised me was that Niall was right behind them, slightly scared.

"What the hell is he doing here?" I asked.

"Okay, mate, you can ask me instead of asking them." He muttered.

I shook my head and turned to look at Louis, "Well?"

"Harry, guys night means all the guys. We never leave each other out no matter what the situation is."

"This is different."

"No, it's not. This is probably what you need right now."

I groaned and slammed the door, "Fine. Whatever."

The guys went and made themselves comfortable and I sauntered into the kitchen to grab the case of beer and the snacks. I heard footsteps come up behind me, catching my attention. I turned my head to see who it was and gritted my teeth when I saw Niall.

"It's probably not best for you to be around me right now. You do understand that, right?" I muttered.

"I know, mate," he sighed, sticking his hands in his pockets, "I just wanted to say something."

"Not really in the mood to listen to you right now."

"Harry, just hear me out," he snapped, fed up with my attitude towards him, "I really don't think whatever happened between Arabella and I should affect our friendship. You and I have such a strong bond. We aren't just band mates, or best friends. Haz, we're brothers. And I don't like the space you've put between us."

"This space between is was all created due to your actions." I said, crossing my arms and leaving against the counter.

"Dude, come on. It's not like I slept with your girlfriend or anything."

Don't Let Me Go // h.styles bsmWhere stories live. Discover now