Chapter Twenty Eight

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Hey guys, here is chapter twenty eight!!!! Holy crap, that's unbelieveable haha I can't believe I've written twenty eight chapters of this already! I'm almost at my word count goal of 50,000 words as well which is super cool! I was really lacking for inspiration for this chapter but now I kind of know where this is going and there are only a few more chapters the end I think - like maybe ten? I don't know haha, sorry sometimes my writing just goes where it wants to go and I'm left like ??? but whatever we will get there when we get there i suppose. anyway i hope you all like this chapter and so vote and comment your thoughts. thank you to everyone who voted and commented on the last chapter i love you all. and hello and welcome to any new readers. ;)

also i don't know if i mentioned this last chapter but look at the pretty new cover omg its so fabulous!


I hadn't intended to fall asleep, only sit down and rest for a little bit, but when I opened my eyes to the pale glow of dawn spreading across the horizon I realised that I must have fallen asleep anyway. I was curled up against the broken section of wall, half hidden behind a slab of stone that had sheltered me from the worst of the wind. I had taken two of the heavy fur coats from the pile of belongings to keep me warm but they weren't doing much now.

I absently traced a nonsensical pattern into the layer of frost that had formed over the stones.

I didn't know why it had suddenly become so cold, there were light flakes of snow in my hair and covering the fur coats, and even the layers I was wearing didn't do much to prevent the cold from seeping in.

So cold, it was the kind of cold that froze you to the bone.

My breath misted in front of me as I pushed myself up to standing, my fingers skating across the slick stones. I surveyed the makeshift campsite. There was the girl, Cassiopeia; she was asleep on the far side of the pile of possessions, her wrists still chained and without anything to keep her warm. I sighed.

"For fuck's sake," I muttered under my breath angrily.

I picked up one of the coats I had used and picked my way through the rubble to where the fey girl was sleeping. I dropped the fur over her; even though it wasn't much it was better than nothing. I looked around but there was no sign of Rhys.

Suddenly icy fingers clamped around my ankle and I cried out in shock. I looked down to see the faery girl wasn't in fact asleep, oh no, she was very much awake.

I kicked out automatically, and she let go.

"I didn't mean to scare you."

Then why did you grab my leg, I wanted to ask. Instead I just nodded.

"What do you want?" I asked, my voice cold. As much as I disliked her for being part of the group that had captured us, I couldn't help but pity her and admire her, just a little bit. Her skin was painted with raised red scars from where the magyck had burned through her. And I had just stood and watched.

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