★Extra Chapter 2.1☯︎

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The monster's gone
He's on the run and your daddy's here


Zayn stayed behind the scenes, And it shocked absolutely everyone

Except for Harry. Never Harry.

Because Harry saw the way Zayn rocked Estrella to sleep every night

He saw the way Zayn read her stories and the way he made sure she was healthy

He saw the way he baby proofed the whole house when Estrella started to crawl and the way he cuddled her on the couch when she napped

And being the happiest he's been for a long time when she started to walk

The way he quickly dropped everything and ran when she cried and how he didn't let her leave his eye sight the first 6 months

Then Harry would look at Yaser, standing in the back because he knows that there's a high chance Zayn would never trust him

Yaser didn't need to tell Zayn about Brian being his brother.... Yet he didn't want Zayn to hear it from someone else

Yet he saw Yaser smile when Zayn did, he saw Yaser hold back a laugh when Zayn laughed

He saw Yaser help Zayn when he needed it and got nothing but a nod as a thank you

Harry saw the way Zayn only listened to Niall when it was necessary and kept everything civil


Well.... At Least until he could


Zayn, Harry, Louis and Yaser were all sitting together while Estrella slept in the next room

It was just then when Zayn suddenly turned to Yaser and said

"I want to meet your wife"

Louis choked on the water he was drinking and got into a coughing fit

But Harry just smiled while patting Louis back

"What would you lose from meeting your mother?"

"Not my mother"

Harry huffed "Just meet her Zayn.... If you didn't like the feeling never see her again, end of it"

Yaser didn't say anything for the longest time before he quickly nodded "Yes. Yes of course!! Yeah uh- when?"

Zayn sighed and stood up "When my daughter wakes up" he said before he walked out

Yaser quickly turned towards Louis and Harry

"I don't-"

"He's a father, Yaser.... He isn't leaving her out of his sight until he's sure nobody on our side will betray him" Harry looked at Louis "You alright there?"

Louis (who just stopped coughing) nodded "Sorry I think I died a little"

Harry laughed and nodded "I'll go check on Zayn"

Louis nodded and kissed Harry's cheek

Harry walked out and stood outside Estrella's room and saw her now awake but still half asleep in Zayn's arms

"I won't ask for much, just keep me strong while we are there.... Ok?

Harry saw Estrella pull on the hair tie around Zayn's wrist

"Or just do that"

Harry laughed but quickly slapped a hand over his mouth

"I know you're there Harry"

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