
285 27 10

Couple billion in the whole wide world
Find another one 'cause she belongs to me


Zayn's hands still spasm, the doctor recommended that he doesn't use his hands for any extreme activity

Yet he still does

So today is one of those days, where his hands feel like they're on fire and numb at the same time

Sometimes it's one of them, sometimes it's both

Today is one of the days where it's both, he happened suddenly

Him, Niall, Derek and Isaac were in a fight, it was then that he felt like he couldn't even pull the trigger for the killing blow

He just pulled out the knife and stabbed a knife into the man's head, he cursed under his breath at the pain that radiates up his arm

He dropped a lit match and walked out as the fire ate up the house

Zayn looked at Isaac and frowned "Where are the other 2?"

"Derek's bleeding from his neck, Niall took him to the medic"

Zayn nodded and Isaac walked towards the driver side "I'm driving"

"Last time you drove, the car flipped on us"

"There was a bazooka!!"

Zayn rolled his eyes and got into the passenger seat, Isaac started to drive and cleared his throat

"Is your hand ok?"


"Sure? We can go to the hospital"


Isaac nodded "Ok…."

It went quiet between them before Isaac spoke again

"I still have cactus" He said then shook his head "Not an actual cactus, I meant-"

"I know what you meant"

"Yeah, yeah" He said and nodded "How are Louis and Harry?"


"We are struggling"

"She's leaving us in 3 days"

"We. Are. Struggling"

"In many ways"


"Why are you screaming?"

Louis and Harry turned to Darcy "I wasn't screaming, Harry was"

Harry gave Louis a look then looked at Darcy "What do you want for dinner?"

She shrugged "Anything"

Harry and Louis shared a look then looked at her "Tacos then"

"No I don't want that"

"You said anything"

"But not tacos"

"Then what do you have in mind?"

She shrugged, Harry crossed his arms "What's wrong love?"

She stayed quiet then her shoulders fell "I don't wanna leave" She whispered as her eyes welled up with tears

"I wanna stay here forever, eat tacos, and snacks, and watch TV, play with Clifford, but I have'ta go soon" She met their eyes as the first tear slid down her cheek "What if I don't see you again?"

Louis frowned "Why do you think you won't see us?"

"Well…. Tommy had a family for a bit, but one day, Tommy came back and he never went out with his family again." her shoulders fell "He stayed with them for a long time too…." She said then sat on the floor with her legs out in front of her

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