Part 4: Worth the wait ♡ Liam

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"Hey! where are you? I've been waiting here for hours!!!" I angriy asked on the phone.

"Sheesh! Dont be impatient I'm almost there. Really this girl." she said irritatedly and hung up.

You see my best friend, Eleanor, said that we should have a girl time bonding. Just her and me. We never had the time to hang out this days..... well, it's kinda more like her who hasnt have any time.

Ever since that Louis guy and Eleanor became a couple, El had less time to hang out with me. And ofcourse I kinda miss my friend.

Im not used to El not having her daily story telling sessions with me and I miss when we would just sit down all day and watch dramas on tv.

She promised me today would be our bonding time together. And now LOOk. She's the one who promised, she's the one who set the time, and she's the one who is late right now. I really hate it when I have to wait.

I've been here waiting in the park for like FOREVER. Tsk tsk tsk

I was very busy getting angry in my head I didnt even notice there was a guy sitting across the bench I was sitting on.

He looked very chic with his outfit. And altough he was sitting I could see that he's very tall.

I didnt realize I was gawking at him. He suddenly looked at me.

I noticed that he was staring and I was still gawking at him. I got concious of what I was doing and immedeatly turned my head to the other direction.

I heard him chuckled. I could feel my cheeks burning from embarrassment already.

Even though I was still looking towards the other side, I felt that he slided to the empty space beside me and removed the gap between us.

Then I felt him tapping my shoulder.

And ofcourse I followed my reflex and turned my head around to look at him.

And as I did, a finger poked my cheek.

"Poke" he said and chuckled again.

I can feel myself blushing again. And He's so cute when he chuckles like that.

I smiled shyly at him. And the next thing I knew he was pinching my cheeks playfully. "You're so cute!" He said.

"Tch. Yeah right" I replied. I know he was only teasing me.

"No, really" he said with a smile.

He suddenly stood up and bowed like a prince "Liam, Liam Payne." he said. "May I have the pleasure to know the name of the beautiful lady in front of me?" He asked in a very fancy accent.

I laughed at his antics. I stood up and I curtsied and played along with him. "(Y/n)" I replied. "It's nice to meet you Sir Liam" I copied his fancy accent.

The both of them laughed along in their silliness and continued on with their conversation.

But little did they knew, there were two people behind the tree peeping at them.

"Just look at them" Eleanor giggled.

"Are we just going to watch them all day?" Louis asked.

They've been hiding there long before dara even arrived.

"Shut up! My plan is finally working" El hissed. "And weren't you the one who volunteered to help Liam with (y/n)?" She added.

"Yeah, I was but-"

"No buts Mr!"

*sigh* "Well I guess I should be happy. Liam had been crushing on (y/n) for a long time now" Louis said.

"And it's all thanks to me!" Eleanor happily chirped.

And Louis just smiled at her girlfriend's cuteness.

"You know.... (y/n) still isn't going to forgive you for being late" Louis said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Shhhh! I'll just show up when they finished talking to one another" El retorted still busy on spying on the two.

"And you have to drag me here because.....?"

Eleanor glared at Louis.

"Okay, Nevermind" he immedeatly said after receivring the death glares of Eleanor.

(y/n) didnt even notice the time passing by. She was too happily preoccupied with Liam the whole time.

And when Louis couldnt take it anymore because the tree made him itch alot, they were forced to show themselves to (y/n)

The girls went ahead while the boys stayed.

"Dude you owe me big time" Louis irritatingly told Liam as he continued to scratch every part of his body.

"(y/n), I'm really sorry that I was late! Did you take a long time here?" El asked nervously.

"Nah, It was worth the wait" She said with a smile plastered on her face.

And they continued walking off to their promised girl-bonding.


Hello friends!!! Hope you liked this one, I was thinking whether I would do Zayn with this one or liam but I sticked with Liam this time ;) Lemme hear what you think x

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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