Chapter 12: Purgatory

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(Y/N)'s POV

After reminiscing on our reunion before the attack on the Collector Base, Jane and I talked about small things and nothing concerning about Cerberus. It is a nice getaway from what we're going after and what we want to find out. Every once in a while, I want to kick back and relax, be myself, and not worry about things.

"By the way, (Y/N)." Jane says softly after taking a sip of her drink. "How do you feel about going out to a club?" She asks. With that question, I have an immediate answer. "N-Not my thing..." I say softly, looking away from her slightly. Jane chuckles. "I figured. But I thought maybe you and I could go down there with the others tomorrow to have fun. You don't have to drink alcohol or dance. It's just a way to hang out." She says, smiling softly. "No pressure so I'll give you time to think about it."

I do wonder what made Jane invite me out to someplace that I wouldn't usually hang around. I mean, sure...there was the time I worked at a bar to serve drinks, even if I don't drink myself, and whenever the team had to go someplace like the Afterlife Club on Omega for a mission. I wonder if she talked to somebody to plan this.'d be nice to go out somewhere different. But I don't know if it will go well.

I shake my head softly. "I-I'll have to think about that..." I say to her. Jane shrugs her shoulders and smile. "No rush. You don't even have to tell me. You could just show up and surprise us...if you're that kind of person." She joked. I roll my eyes and let out a soft chuckle. "Hardy har." I simply say before I take another sip of my drink.

A few more minutes have passed by between us as we continue talking before Jane gets up from her seat. "It has been nice catching up with you but I should get to bed. I have some tasks to take care of in the Citadel." She tells me. I nod my head and stand up with her. "A-Allow me to walk you to the door." I say. Then I notice that the bottle is still on the table. "O-Oh! Don't forget your bottle!" Jane looks at me and shake her head, smiling at me. "Keep it. It's your drink." I blink my eyes for a bit then shrugs. "A-Alright then. A-Anyways..." Jane and I walk over to the door and I open it for her with a button. Jane walks through then turns around to look at me. "I had a good time chatting with you, my friend." She says with a smile. I nod and smile back at her softly. "I-I had a good time's really good to be back." Jane chuckles and nod her head again. "Well, have a good night. See you soon." She then turns the corner and the door closes automatically.

I let out a sigh as I stretch my arms while moving over back to the table. I grab the bottle and put it away in my fridge then wash up the glasses Jane and I used to drink. After that was done, I didn't bother changing into sleep clothes as I just flop onto my bed and close my eyes, tired from getting up at the hospital and fighting Cerberus to save Jack and her students.

- The Next Day -

I wake up to the sound of a buzzer ringing. I turn my head to my clock and see that it is morning hours. Who would want to see me at that time? I get up from my bed and stretch my body as I yawn, still feeling really tired. I walk over to the door with the buzzer still going off. "I'm coming." I call out as I move closer. I stand in front then bring out my omni-tool to unlock and open the door.

The person that is in front of my door happens to be Liara. She smiles softly and tilt her head slightly. "Morning, (Y/N). I imagined you slept well?" She asks. I scratch the back of my head with tired eyes. "You could say that...until a certain someone woke me up." I say. Liara looks away from me slightly and rub her arm. "I-I am sorry. I-I was hoping that we can catch breakfast early and catch up... a-and I'd like to show you something you'd find interesting." She says, looking back at me after finishing her sentence. I won't lie, I wasn't expecting Liara to ask me to breakfast this early in the morning. Even back then, she'd at least wait for me to be fully awake before asking to do something with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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