With that, Rufus heads back inside, leaving us with his associate. The man looks at us and clears his throat, "As my boss has already introduced, I'm Tseng, the man leading you to the tour site. May I see your tickets?"

I quickly pull out the tickets and hand them to Tseng. He takes them and marks them with a fraud marker to verify their authenticity. "Alright, follow me, and do keep up. We have no time to waste," He says handing me back the tickets.

He starts to walk in the right direction. I smoothly and carefully tuck the tickets back into my wallet, following Tseng. While we were walking behind Tseng, he starts talking, "Before we arrive, I am obligated to inform you of the strict rules we have set for this tour. Firstly, no form of photography is allowed. What you will see on the inland tour is sacred to us, and we wish to keep it hidden from the rest of the world.

"Secondly, anything you bring is your responsibility. Food and water will not be provided, so I hope you have brought some. Any waste from what you have is to be kept on your person until you leave the tour and is to be thrown out into a proper disposal bin.

"Thirdly, you will not disturb any wildlife you may come across. The inland of Crescent Island is a sanctuary for wildlife that lives here. If on the rare case that you all could be attacked, our tour guides are professionals in diffusing the situation. 

"Lastly, do what your tour guide tells you. They know this island and its wonders better than you. Do you have any questions for me?"

"Yeah, I have few. Do you know how long the tour is?" Yuffie asks.

"The longest the tour has been taken was about five hours," Tseng says. "You are also not touring the entirety of the island, only a few select parts."

"Okay, next question. Will there be any put stops for bathroom breaks in the case of an emergency?"

"Yes, a few areas like that have been placed along the trail. They are spread out and minimal, so take the opportunity to take a break if you need to."

After a few more turns and walking down a couple of blocks, we arrive at a small gate that is connected to the protective fences that surround the wooded and lush areas of Crescent Island. Tseng leads us to the front of the gate and pulls out a key. He pulls down on a cover, unveiling the hidden keyhole, and unlocks the gate. Stepping to the side, he holds open the gate for us. "Please step through the gate," He instructs.

One by one, we walk through the gate. I'm the fourth one to walk through. As I pass Tseng, I glance at him and see this odd look in his eyes. It was as if he was planning something. 

Vincent was the last one to go through the gate, and Tseng closed the gate behind my friend. "Apologies, I can not go with you for this next part. This is where the tour starts." He explains, locking the gate. 

"Yes, and we will be leading you on this excursion," an elderly and conniving voice speaks out from behind us. We turn around and see two men. One is older and has long black hair, tied in a ponytail, wrinkles, and glasses. The other is middle-aged with sleeked back neck length black hair, and clean-cut facial hair. One thing that they shared was the scowls they held on their faces. "Forgive us for scaring you, but we are your tour guides. I'm Dr. Hojo and this is Reeve Tuesti."

"Doctor, this is the group that will be getting the exclusive tour. So make sure you take extra care of them." Tseng informs our guide. "Especially since we went through a lot of trouble to repay them for our inconveniences." 

Dr. Hojo is quiet as he intensely looks at us, before looking back and smirking, "Alright, we will make sure they are treated with the utmost care, so long as they adhere to the rules we have set for the tour."

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