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Everything has a story to tell. From the insects in the bush to the giant trees that thrive in our forests, there is a story to be told. Our lives are stories that we live. There are parts that are boring and we wish could skip. Other times, there are exciting moments that make us happy and giddy. Then there are the suspenseful and thrilling parts that take us for a twisting loop. Sometimes we question why our lives are the way they are.

I, myself, have asked that plenty of times, but I have learned that without these twists in life, it wouldn't be as interesting to live life.

We plan out our lives as if nothing would change them. But sometimes, these twists are for the better.

How do I know this? Well, let me tell you part of my story and the twist that ultimately changed everything.

Who am I you ask?

My name is Phaedra Cyprus. I hope you can enjoy my story as if you can live it yourself.

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