~Magic Bonding~

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Last time...we discovered many caves that were connected but led to different levels of the area. That was when we got attacked again, and both Brandon and Stella fell. We went after them back no where to be found, we figured they fell into the nearby river that was rushing rapidly with water. We decided to keep going and to make sure save the Pixies first, going forward we were nearly there till again we got attacked by the shadow monsters. But no need to worry, cause Stella is back and saved us..let's hope we can save Brandon and the Pixies...(I skipped some of it since I didn't know where I could put Icy or Shun in it)

"So how do we get back in?" I ask looking at the one and only entrance in "well we can't use Stella's teleportation, she needs to know the location" Bloom pointed out, we all tried our best to figure out how to get down to where we needed to be, we had to hurry or else something bad will happen to them. We decided to head down, they had their surfboarding fun as me and Shun just jumped our way down. Stella and Bloom had some troubles, well a bit..but once we were all finally there, Sky used some device to get us to the final place we needed be. Standing before us, was the Shadow castle, home to that shadow knight and where the Pixies are. 
"Such dark energy.." I said shivering a bit, we kept on walking going to a bridge. We carefully walked crossed it "Shun I don't like this place, it..reminds me of a certain palace.." I said to him as he glanced at me "I know what you mean...this place seems way too familiar to the castle in Gundalia..but he isn't here, he's long gone" Shun said calming me down, I knew Barodias was gone but he still scares me. Shun held my hand as we kept walking. Layla then made it to where the Pixies were, we trusted her to get them free. 

"Has similar skills to you hun" I said giggling a bit "oh hush it" Shun said as I smiled, as we were gonna go after Layla..something hit Bloom making her fall, and hit Sky as well. Three girls appeared, they were known as the Trix. 

Darcy, witch of Darkness
Stormy, witch of weather
And Icy, this worlds Icy..witch of Ice. 

"Seems like they have new friends" Icy said staring at me and Shun "so you're the one running my name under evil..well that won't do!" I shouted at her "calm down.." Shun said "no! I never wanted to see nor hear my name be used for evil. I am gonna rip this witch apart" I said glaring at Icy (We can call my Oc CC)
"Oh~? I like her" Stormy said smirking a bit, Icy attacked us but we moved out of the way. Darcy attacked as well, both Bloom and Stella transformed. I stood there wanting to do the same "hun you can do it..just relax and focus your magic energy" Shun said as I nodded "a fairy without wings? Sounds familiar, this should be easy" Darcy said attacking me "Tch!" 
Snowy Tundra!

But the attack was dodged, these girls seemed more powerful than ever, Layla came into help but she couldn't do anything "they're strong.." I said seeing everyone was down, well Sky was frozen the others were knocked out I think. I was going to attack but suddenly a bright light appeared blinding the Trix including me, I could hardly see a thing, it was that bright. The person who was glowing in that light saved everyone by using his magic, he even sent me some making me feel more magic energy flowing through my veins. He flew to the Trix attacking them all and sending them away somewhere. We didn't get a name but he was a hero, he flew off as I wondered why he even saved us and how he got down here. Before I could think about it more, something came flying towards us..we hid just in case they were more monsters, but they were really the Pixies. They were so tiny and cute! I couldn't help but stare "my you're a pretty fairy" I look seeing an ice skating Pixie "my name is Minerva, Pixie of Ice." She introduced herself to me "my name is Icy, but call me CC. I'm the fairy of Ice, guess this is fate" I said chuckling a bit, this is what was called bonding. A pixie will bond with the fairy that is most suited for itself, but something didn't make sense..how did they get free.?

Something didn't seem right at all, who saved them.?

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