Cat Blanc Part 1(rewrite)

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(So for those who read my work from the very start should know that Cat Blanc was easily one of my favorite episodes in MLB. Yeah, well that MG is gone now. IMO, Cat Blanc is absolutely garbage! It's nothing but a badly told episode, that may look very important, but get this... it doesn't go anywhere in canon. Just based on Season 4 alone, there are a total of three episodes, Sentibubbler, Kuro Neko, and Strike Back, where this whole Cat Blanc trauma is explored in a way. Other than that, it's not mentioned at all. To the point where not only is this trauma not dangerous to me, but it ultimately makes this episodes a useless filler to tell the audience, we can't reveal their identities(btw, the whole identity reveal is BS in canon. Then again, most of the stuff in canon, ESPECIALLY now in the canon Season 5, is BS). Not to mention, Gabriel went from the so called sympathetic villain of the series, to a man who will score a home run with his son any day if he knows he is Cat Noir. It's also told at a bad pace with the fight and who Cat Blanc happened at the same time, so in other words, Cat Blanc is an episode I regret saying is one of my favorites. However, I still want to give this episode somewhat of a good purpose, so without further a do, let's get started).

Gabriel stands in his basement, where his wife Emilie is laying. "I know it's been too long my love, but the time to bring you back grows closer, and closer. Soon, I will have Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculous, and save you from horrible condition. I will never stop. I promise my love." Gabriel said. After that monologue, we are now with Marinette and her friends. They are all chilling, as Marinette sits on the bench, and stresses out. "I can't do this you guys. I just can't." Marinette complained. "Why not? Your just giving him a gift." Mylene asked. "A very awesome gift he is going to love." Rose replied. "Yeah, but this is my chance to tell him how I feel." Marinette said. "Ok then. Just do it. Simple as that." Alix replied. "But here's the thing. I'M TOO NERVOUS TO TELL HIM!!!" Marinette yelled. "Maybe lower the volume a bit, girl." Juleka replied. "Sorry. Forget it girls. This gift isn't even good for Adrien's fifth names day. I should just throw it out, and forget even telling Adrien I love him." Marinette said. "OH NO YOU DON'T!!! [everyone gasp]. LISTEN HERE MARINETTE! YOU'VE BEEN WHINING ABOUT NOT TELLING ADRIEN HOW YOU FEEL FOR WEEKS! WEEKS!!! SO YOUR GOING TO GET OF YOUR BUTT, GO TO HIS PLACE RIGHT NOW, AND GIVE, HIM, THE, GIFT!!!" Rose yelled. She takes deep breathes, as her face turns red. "Woah! Nearly lost my breath." Rose said. "Yeah. Ok, then." Marinette replied. "But for real. Give him the gift now. We waited long enough." Rose said. "Yes ma'm." Marinette replied, as she gets up and leaves. "Huh? That was easy." Alix said. "Just takes a little dominance to get people to wake up." Rose replied.

    Marinette makes her way to Adrien's house. She walks in front of his gate. "Ok, Tikki. The plan is simple. Give the gift to Adrien, and that's it." Marinette said. "But, how will that tell Adrien you love him?" Tikki asked. "I put some hearts on it. Very romantic hearts. Therefore, it's an indicator that I have feelings for him." Marinette replied. "It would be easier if you just told him how you feel." Tikki said. "Yet, I still can't do it." Marinette replied. Marinette rings the doorbell, but no one answers. She keeps on ringing it, and still no one there. "Weird. His Dad, or assistant should have answered." Marinette said. "Must be busy. Besides, why not just give the gift to Adrien?" Tikki asked. "Like I said, I'm still nervous, but I can't go back empty handed because you saw Rose." Marinette replied. "Very strict. Sweet, but strict." Tikki said. "Exactly. Hmmm,[thinks]. I have an idea." Marinette replied. She runs away from the house, and into an alleyway. Unknown to her is Adrien's car driving him home. He is holding a medal he got from fencing, so he is having a good day. "Here's the plan. I use my Ladybug powers to sneak in, leave him the gift, and boom! Mission accomplished." Marinette said. "Really, Marinette? We talked about this. Using your superpowers for personal gain isn't a good idea." Tikki replied. "True, but this is a fast one. Literally all I'm doing is leaving a gift, and leaving. I'll be out faster than a cheetah getting dinner. Tikki, spots on." Marinette said, as she transforms into Ladybug. As Adrien's car pulls in, Ladybug uses her super agility to get inside Adrien's room. "And huzzah. We're in. Thank you open window for making my job easier. Anyway, let's go drop this off..." Ladybug said, before she gets interrupted. She looks around, and sees Adrien's room. The whole entire atmosphere of it makes her be filled with love. "Wow! I've only been in here once, but his room looks so... beautiful. There's his video games. There's his couch. There's his basketball hoop. Ohh, and there's his bed. [giggles, before she slaps herself]. Ok, that's too far, Ladybug. Remember your mission." Ladybug said. As she goes to put down her gift, Adrien walks inside with Nathalie. "I'll be in my room." Adrien said. "Ok, Adrien. Congratulations on your medal." Nathalie replied. Adrien goes upstairs, as Ladybug puts the gift down. "Oh crap! I didn't sign it! It's fine, [grabs pencil] I can make this quick." Ladybug said. She signs the gift with her name, Marinette, before she runs away. And just at the wrong time. Because Adrien walks in, and there, he sees Ladybug leave. "Huh? Ladybug? [sees gift. Intrigued, he walks up to it, grabs it, and opens it]. It's a hat in my colors, with... a heart on it. Weird. [looks at card]. Marinette. Marinette made this for me. But... but why did Ladybug bring it here?" Adrien asked. Plagg basically craps himself when he sees this. "Maybe Ladybug asked her to. As a special request you know." Plagg said. "True, or... [gasp] no way! Plagg, Ladybug and Marinette aren't two different people. They, are the same person. Which, which means, [remembers what Ladybug told him in Glaciator]. I'm the one she loves this whole time." Adrien replied with so much joy. "Ok, get your head out of the ridiculous bin. Marinette is just Marinette. And Ladybug is..." Plagg said, before he gets interrupted with Adrien saying Marinette. Plagg then gets really worried. "Ok, this isn't good Adrien. Remember that you two can't know each other's secret identities. What would happen if Hawkmoth found this out? Or Mayura? Or worse, Essence?" Plagg asked in a panic. "As long as I'm careful, we'll be fine. In the mean time, [puts on hat] I have the best day ahead of me." Adrien replied, as he runs along. "No, no, no, no, no!!! This is a smelly piece of cheese, and not the good kind." Plagg panicked.

MiraculouslyGory's Rewrite Redemption(Bonus MLB Season 3 and 4 rewrites)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora