Berkley pouted, giving him a pleading look which he stared at before he drove off. "I don't like surprises."

"You don't like a lot of good things," Mason laughed, pushing her head back lightly as he started to pull out of the parking space.

Berkley let her jaw fall as she let out a sharp laugh. She gave him a playful look of offence, "like what?"

"Like Chelsea," he stated instantly, darting her a brief look before looking back at the road.

"But I like you," she flirted with intention. She watched his cheeks slowly tint into a slight shade of pink as he tried to hide the smile that was obviously pulling at his lips. She grinned as he looked at her in a flustered manner, clearing his throat as he shifted around in his seat.

"You're evil," he grumbled with a head shake, bouncing his eyes between her and the road, "you know that?"

"You did this to yourself," she pointed at him with a chuckle, "you don't have to put up with me if you don't want to."

Mason huffed, looking at her again as she stared at him in her bantering nature. Her lively smile remained on her face, and as much as he tried to look annoyed, he really wasn't. He couldn't be.

So, instead, Mason just rolled his eyes playfully, shaking his head as he drove. "Yeah... I know," he said with a sigh. A beat passed a moment as Berkley anticipated his answer. She watched him smile, looking at her for a second, before speaking again. "But I do want to."



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how many eggs do u reckon
u guys can fit in your

like fully uncracked

i feel like if i really tried
i could get 4 don't u think

lil Phil
u already tried didn't u

he couldn't even get one🤣

let me try again.

rice rice baby
no way any human can get over
two. there's just no way.

money mase
i got three!

rice rice baby
no u did not don't
lie to me

baby beckham
he did! i saw!

it was actually impressive

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