We meet again(6)

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You and Kuina hang out at the pool the rest of the day. Once you got out of the pool you decided to get a drink from the bar. "Hey kuina I'm going to the bar you want something?" "No I'm fine thanks" she says grabbing a towel. "Alright I'll be back" you say walking off.

"Hi can I get one Sex on the Beach" you say to the bartender "Coming right up". You notice Niragi in the distance with the militants "One Sex on the Beach" the bartender says while handing you your drink.

You start walking back to Kuina. You can't seem to find her at the spot you guys were at. You thought she went back to her room so you decide to go back to your room.

As your walking in the lobby you see Niragi again. You notice that he's all alone so you try and walk fast as possible past him. You notice an elevator door open and head towards it, right when the elevator is about to close it stops.

You notice Niragi's rifle in between the doors. He comes in and presses a button, you can feel him staring at you so you decide to say something "What?" You notice a smirk appear on his face. "I see your wearing the swim suit I chose" you feel your face start to heat up.

" Y-you chose this?" You say trying to hide your face. " Yea I thought you would like it" he says while he still has a smirk on his face. Why was he being nice all of a sudden? You notice the elevator doors open as he walks out. "Sweet dreams" he says before the elevator doors close.

Sorry this chapter is short!😭
Could you guys give me ideas I have no idea what to write!!😭 Once I have ideas I'll post a new chapter!❤️

Enemies To Lovers..(Reader x Niragi )🃏Where stories live. Discover now