Chapter 2: This isn't Lugnica?

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Tsume P.O.V

I see...


I'm completely lost. Where the hell am I? I've been walking but all I've seen is grass, and would you know it... more grass. Ah, a tree, how different. Well since I got so many blessings for my reincarnation I assumed that I would be placed someone convenient, but it appears that isn't the case.

I continue walking, but as it seems I'm making no progress, I decide to put some power into my legs. They did say I am a Divine Dragon, and considering that mabeast I easily butchered right now, I must be pretty strong. Far above an average person at least, so my speed should follow that pattern. 

So I do just that and suddenly I'm flung forward faster than I expected and end up face planting. I pick myself up the ground and find I've dug a mini trench with just my face and the sheer amount of speed I carried myself with. Luckily it doesn't hurt as it seems this body is extremely tough, and so I try it again.


Another faceplant, another trench. Again.


I did better, going forward far more than the previous attempt, but not knowing how to control all this newfound speed and strength too well, I ended up turning into a projectile and tumbling like a ball through the plains. Eventually I stop from the friction, and I cough out some dirt and grass that got in my mouth, which was gross.

Ok, I've decided to take it easier. So I start with a light jog that already seems to surpass an average person's sprinting speed by leaps and bounds. I was never much for exercise, but this is pretty fun. About as fun as anything that isn't lying or killing can be at least, but there is some enjoyment due to the odd new feeling.

I keep up my jogging pace and oddly enough don't feel the slightest bit tired. Must be a perk of being a dragon I guess, they are typically the strongest species after all. The sun has began moving down, so it has been awhile since I appeared here, since it was noon then. This jogging has also begun getting tiring in a different way as well, it's starting to get borin-


I turn in surprise to the noise, something other than the odd bird here and there is was new. To my surprise I spot a dirt road in the distance, along with what appears to be a horse drawn carriage- no, that would be wrong. A carriage drawn by ground dragons, who were the source of the screeching noise. It seems I have found my knock off cousins already.

It also seems I've found my new target, this is my best shot at something that isn't just more fields. I mean this is a medieval world, so it does make sense there are still swathes of empty land. Not to mention there did seem to be a lot of nothing in between the different places in the anime, so more walking seems to be in store if I don't take this opportunity.

Enough with those side thoughts now, and so I pick up my pace more until I get closer and closer to the carriage. This is the rare chance to get an easy ride to wherever, unless they need me to pay. In that case though, killing is always a solution, or threats, either works. I finally catch up to the front of the carriage, time to get the driver's attention then.

Tsume: Hey. Can I get a ride?

The driver seems shocked, and even the ground dragons as well. He looks around for a bit in confusion, I assume he doesn't know where it came from since I'm short and it's getting darker. He finally looks down and spots me, and stares for a few seconds in disbelief, probably because I'm a little girl keeping up with a full speed carriage drawn by ground dragons.

Driver: Uhh... I'll have to ask my boss? Hey boss! There's this little girl asking for a ride! What should we do?

This guy... seems pathetic. Easily frightened and shocked, thin and weak looking, he would make a nice victim, but I need him for now.

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