Chapter 03 - Alcantara

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Warning: Typographical and Grammatical Errors ahead...

What came into shock for Keenan was his siblings actually lets him go with Sylvester to his family's house. All he knew was the seeder was supposed to explain what had happened the past two weeks, but the moment Kaleb parked in front of them, Sylvester asked if he could take Keenan back to his house to explain things better, and his twin sister and older brother agreed.

Like what?

Since when did they let a seeder take Keenan to his house in such tone of excitement?

Anyway, Keenan sighed as he watch the scenery plays out outside the window. It's just a wide landscape filled with wild flowers and trees. It's beautiful it was like a fantasy fairytale type of setting inside the Alcantara estate.

Yes, they're already inside the land that Sylvester's family own, and yet there's not one house is on sight.

"Three minutes Ji, just three minutes more" Sylvester reassured him noticing that the carrier is feeling torn between restless and fascinated by the view in front of him.

Soon enough, a house was indeed built at the end of the road. Scratch that, that's not a house, it's a freaking mansion. 

"That's your house?" Keenan asked and Sylvester nodded, "Em you have an airstrip beside your house, no, mansion and you're telling me that I need to go inside to further understand why you didn't show up for two weeks? What? You got lost or something?" Keenan asked and at that Sylvester chuckled but shook his head no.

"Meeting my family would make you understand everything a bit better" Sylvester smiled as he turned off his car's engine. "Wait what?" Keenan asked as he open the passenger's door, and Sylvester looked at him as if he was the one supposed to open the said door.

"I met your family, and it's time to meet mine" the older smiled and held Keenan's hand before leading him inside, "But Em..." Keenan felt his heart drop as he saw a lot of men, dressed in formal attire with guns tucked in it.

"Those are our...employees" Sylvester said when he noticed where Keenan's looking at, while the younger looked at him as if he's not smart enough to not know what Sylvester meant.

"I'm scared Keenan, I'm scared that if I show you what I am and what kind of family I came from, you won't want to see me anymore" Sylvester sighed as he grip Keenan's hand a bit tighter making him worried, "Are you sure you want to tell me? I could just overlook this and pretend that it never happened if you want" Keenan offered, honestly he has an idea on what happened, specially since rumors were spread about the Alcantara's the past two weeks but he keeps shoving it in the back of his mind because he wants Sylvester to be the one who say it to him.

"No, I want you to know this part of me. Not the goofy, flirty, smug Em that you know. Just me. Mew Sylvester Alcantara" Sylvester said and as if on cue, their front door opened.

Keenan's heart thump loudly in his chest, he's still in his uniform for God's sake, and how could meeting Sylvster's family make him understand? He will believe anything Sylvester will tell him, they don't need any of this.

"Mayla, where's my parents?" Sylvester asked the middle aged woman who opened the door for them, "They're inside Sir, the living room upstairs specifically. With your brothers" the woman, Mayla, answered before smiling at Keenan's direction.

Sylvester just squeezed the younger's hand once making Keenan look at him as he gave him one of his reassuring smiles before walking, guiding him to the big as staircase.

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