Chapter Two.

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November 4th, 1981

Elliot's POV [Age 14]

'So it was a dream...'

I yawned and rubbed my eyes to look over to my clock, 7:02 AM. Time to get up for school.. atleast Diamen's moms offered me a ride, even though the school is only a few blocks away.

I stood up and put on one of my usual outfits, a red band t-shirt and black ripped jeans, along with my signature spiked choker. I then walked over to the bathroom to put on my eyeliner and some settle lipgloss. I stepped back and looked in the mirror, some people may say it's weird for a boy to wear makeup but I have to say, I look good!

I walked downstairs and grabbed my backpack then put on my shoes, of course while my dad was yelling at me. I just ignored him and hummed a random song I liked. He was still screaming at me for whatever reason as I walked out the door and hurried over to Diamen's car that was waiting outside.

I smiled brightly and waved at Diamen and his moms, greeting them as I got into the car. 'Hey Dia! Hi Mrs Butterfields!' I said as I sat down by Diamen, setting my backpack down somewhere.

'Hi El!!' Diamen replied excitedly 'Hello dear!' One of Diamen's moms answered, smiling sweetly. If you haven't caught on yet, Dia actually has two moms! I think it's kinda cool, way better then my dad!

We drove over to the school and me and Diamen got out of the car, we quickly said goodbye and walked into the school. Pretty much right away I could hear people whispering about Diamen.. they knew we could hear them and did it anyway.

I glared at the people making mean comments, quickly scaring them away. Dia smiled at me gratefully but I could tell he was bothered by their comments. 'Don't listen to them Dia! They don't know what they're talking about.' I reassured him as we went to find Michael and James.

James is Diamen's boyfriend, they've been dating for about a month now. James has short brown blonde hair and tanned skin, he's Hispanic. Along with dark brown eyes, plus he's pretty short. Not as short as Diamen though, no surprise there.

Then there's Michael.. I've been dating him for almost a year now, and I have to say.. he's amazing! He has messy brown hair, the most beautiful blue eyes, tanned skin and cute freckles scattered across his face. I think I'm pretty lucky to be dating him!

I spotted James and Michael chatting in a corner and walked over to them with Diamen not too far behind. I stopped next to Michael and kissed his cheek, 'Morning love!'
I greeted him, smiling happily as he pulled me close. 'Good morning dear.' He answered after giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

Meanwhile James scooped up Diamen like a child and kissed him, causing Diamen's face to redden. James is a hopeless romantic and gives Diamen affection every chance he gets, smothering him with hugs and kisses.

Though Dia doesn't like physical touch too much, aside from kissing and holding hands. He loves that. But he's always willing to hug or cuddle me when I'm upset, he's a great friend and probably my favorite person ever! With Michael in a close second place of course.

Moving on from that, Diamen let out a small yelp when James picked him up, he does that often. James just laughed it off and pet Dia's hair like a dog, according to him Diamen acts like a puppy. Which technically he isn't wrong..

I laughed lightly and clung to Michael as he hummed and played with my hair. People say my hair is oddly soft, which I can agree with. Mike loves it, he's always messing with my hair. Not that I mind! I love when he does it!

The bell rang and I went to pull away from Michael to get to class, which I seemed to fail miserably. He held me close and glared at me, as if telling me not to go. 'Michael baby I need to go to class..' I sighed as I kept trying to get him off. 'Nuh uh, my bunny.' He quickly responded, holding me tighter. My face reddened and I eventually gave up on going to class.

At that point James had to hurry to PE and Diamen was standing by, waiting for me. 'Mike give him back we have class!' Diamen said to Michael in an annoyed voice, this happens often. 'Well class can wait, I wanna cuddle my bunny.' Michael replied calmly as he snuggled me.

Eventually Diamen got Mike off of me and we walked to class, of course we were a bit late though. The teacher yelled at us but I just ignored it, I'm used to this by now. Diamen on the other hand, seemed really upset by it. That and the gross stares of the other kids.

We sat down in the back corner and I looked at Diamen with a worried expression, as if asking if he's okay. He nodded and smiled softly, assuring me that he was fine. Even though he was clearly upset..

The teacher started the lesson and I didn't really pay attention for most of it. I glanced over at Diamen who was doodling something again, it's something he does often. I smiled and rested my head on the desk, getting lost in thought as the teacher continued the lesson.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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