"Great! It's a date." He winked then walked away, leaving me stunned in the hall.

"Kurt? Sam just asked me on a date. And I said yes." I said, walking into the choir room where Kurt was sorting sheet music.

"Oh my god, are you serious? That's great! Are you sure you're ready though? You took Blaine pretty hard, I mean you made Rachel and I go get your stuff out of the apartment cause you couldn't even see him." Kurt gasped, dropping everything and walking over to me, grabbing my shoulders.

"I mean, I think. I don't think I would have said yes if I wasn't ready. It's gonna be weird though, my first date with someone who isn't Blaine." I said, looking at the floor.

"Yeah, that would be scary. I couldn't imagine being on a date with someone other than Cam. I wish he came with us, but he had to finish this semester, he's graduating early." Kurt grinned, every time he talked about Cameron, his cheeks would get red.

"Who would have thought Cameron Armstrong would be the smartest?" I laughed, walking over to the piano to fix the papers Kurt dropped.

"Not me." He shrugged, sitting on the bench and watching me, his hands holding his head as he daydreamed.

"Hey! I hope you weren't waiting too long." I smiled, walking up to Blaine at Scandals. He asked to meet me there, since we both wanted drinks and this would be the only place that would take the fake ID's that Sebastian got us.

"No, not at all." He shrugged, and we both went into a somewhat awkward hug.

"I appreciate you coming to see me, I would understand if you told me to screw off." He said, and I wasn't sure if he was referencing how I broke up with him, but decided not to think it, since I don't think Blaine would make a snarky comment like that right now.

"No, no! I wanted to see you. I haven't been able to since you left NYADA." I sighed, my hand moving forward out of habit, but I stopped it, playing it off to grab the drink he ordered for me prior to.

"Well, I'm going to get you back. I don't mean to blurt it out like that, but for the sake of clarity, you should know that first I'm going to get your forgiveness and then I'm going to get your heart back." He said, making my eyebrows raise.

"What?" I choked on my drink, my eyes were wide out of confusion.

"Giving up was the biggest mistake of my life, and it cost me everything. I'm going to show you how much you mean to me and how I'm going to fight to get you back." He smiled, and I got extremely uncomfortable.

"That's great, but um, I have a date tomorrow." I said, looking down and the floor and it felt like I could hear his heart drop.

"Oh. Who is it?" He asked, trying to maintain his smile, but failing miserably.

"It's, uh. Sam. I don't know if it's gonna lead anywhere, but, it's a date." I shrugged, taking a sip of the drink, trying not to make eye contact with him.

"Wow, that's great. I'm really happy for you." Blaine said, looking down at the floor, and this time I grabbed his hand.

"I know it's hard, and I left things on a really bad note. But I just think you should know that nobody's ever gonna compare to you. You're gonna be a tough act to follow." I laughed slightly, squeezing his hand then standing up.

"I'll see you at sectionals." I smiled, running my hand down his arm as I walked away, feeling his eyes on me.

I walked back to Kurt and I's apartment, I didn't think I was quite ready to drive yet, since I lived in New York, driving wasn't really something you did unless you were rich, or a taxi driver, and I could break into tears at any given moment. We were living together until Cam came back for the wedding, and they would live together in Lima for a bit before returning for Kurt's senior year at NYADA.

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