-Chapter Two: Coping Different Ways-

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{{Warning: This Chapter contains bullying}}

[[Ships in This Chapter: Noah x Michael]]

{Re-Upload and Date change, also a few minor fixes :3}

-April 10th, 1983-

||Afton Family Estate|| 2:45pm||

It's been nearly 5 days since Elizabeth's disappearance, 5 days since her body was found and she was pronounced dead...5 days since the event that started the downfall of the once-normal family.

Evan sat on the couch, holding his plushie as he watched his favorite cartoon. The animated singing bear singing a happy tune that the middle Afton hoped would help him feel any better about his sister's death. But to no avail, he still felt the crushing guilt that his sister's death was his fault...if he had got to the room just a second sooner...he could've saved her, and she would be sat beside him giggling and watching cartoons. Instead, she was killed by the one thing she cherished most and her funeral was soon approaching, the small boy was counting the days until he would see his little sister...one last time, being lowered into the ground and buried. Evan sighed, his knees curled to his chest before he heard a static-type sound from his plushie, he raised his head, his bright green eyes meeting the plush's button eyes "Did you say something Fredbear....?" he asked, thinking it was just his imagination he put the plushie back down. He turned his attention back to the cartoon when he heard the front door slam open as his older brother and his friends walked in. Evan trembled and tried to hide, ever since Elizabeth's disappearance Michael and his friends would torment the young boy, shoving him, scaring him, calling him a crybaby, and just making fun of him and his newfound fear of animatronics which resulted in him having nightmares of freakish messed up horrifying versions of Freddy's mascots, with piercing claws and rows upon rows of sharp jagged teeth in their mouths and stomachs...depicting a twisted rendition of what he saw that day...the day his sister died right in front of him and he could do nothing.

Michael walked into the living room, his 3 friends behind him "Where's the crybaby at?" Fredrick asked, looking around the room. Simon smirked "Probably hiding like the little coward he is" the blonde laughed. Maddeline piped up "Maybe we shouldn't be so mean to the little man...he lost basically his other half...." she said, coming to the young boy's defense. Mike faced her "I told that little shit to keep an eye on Elizabeth and look what happened! If he actually cared he would've got someone instead of running off on his own-" he spat, turning away. Maddi looked away "You know...he was trying to get you- I heard him...He was telling you Liz ran off and you pushed him away- so if we're pointing fingers- it's your fault," she said, staring at the back of Michael's head, her eyes locked with the red ribbon holding his small ponytail together. Michael walked away, going up the stairs to his room and leaving his friends in the main area. He sighed and sat on his bed, holding his Foxy mask, tears filling his eyes as he looked at the poster on his wall, expecting his younger sister to burst through the hidden door without knocking in her usual fashion...but she was gone...forever. The eldest Afton pulled his knees into his chest when he heard a knock on his window, he slowly looked up before walking over and opening the window "Hey...I heard what happened...can I come in...?" the redhead asked. Michael softly smiled and nodded "My dad knows we're dating so you can use the front door like a normal person-" he leaned on the window sill as his boyfriend crawled in.

Noah turned and hugged Michael from behind "Normal is a social construct-...you wanna go sit down and talk...?" he asked, his arms wrapped around the brunette's waist. Michael turned and leaned against his boyfriend's chest "Mhm..." he mumbled as Noah picked him up and walked over to his bed, sitting down and setting Michael carefully on his lap. The brunette looked up, tears pouring down his face as he clutched the redhead's jacket and sobbed into his chest. Michael's friends had walked up the stairs and were standing in his doorway, seeing their best friend in so much pain and sadness they walked in and squished him in a group hug. Maddeline patted Michael's head "We're here for you Mike...we all are....just maybe leave your brother alone...he's still just a kid," she said. Michael tightened his grip on his boyfriend's jacket, choked-up sobs escaping his parted lips, Noah looked down, running his fingers through Michael's dark fluffy locks. Evan stood in the doorway, holding the plushie his brother had gifted him before slowly walking through the door "M-Mikey....are you okay...?" he mumbled. The eldest Afton looked up at his younger brother...his only remaining sibling as he broke down in tears once again. Evan stared at Michael, his bright green eyes meeting his brother's heterochromatic irises. The brunette stared into his little brother's emerald eyes, the fact that Elizabeth and Evan were identical twins wasn't helping with the crushing feeling in his chest...he was pushing away one twin because he lost the other.

Evan ran over and also hugged his brother "I-I tried to stop her...but...d-dad grabbed me...a-and it was t-too late..." he mumbled through his sobs. Michael slightly pushed his friends away and grabbed his brother's arm, still looking slightly angry "Stop making excuses you damn crybaby!" he yelled, shoving his little brother to the ground with a soft thud as he burst into tears. The small boy's loud sobs alerted the attention of their father who was in the next room. William walked in, seeing his son on the floor and his older son towering over him. He noticed Michael's Foxy mask, slightly ripped cropped sweater, and shorts "What is going on in here? Michael change your clothes, take off that damned mask, and leave your brother alone!" he picked up Evan and left the room, slamming the door. Michael crossed his arms and rolled his eyes and his friends came out of his bathroom where they had hidden "Ugh- that old man has started hating me even more-" he huffed. Maddi walked up "Mike he doesn't hate you...he's just going through a tough time...you know how much he cherished your sister-" she stated, Fredrick walked up as well "Yeah- just give him some time..." he added, leaning against the wall. Michael sighed and walked to Noah, the redhead quickly wrapping his arms around the smaller "It's okay love..." he said softly, running his fingers through Michael's fluffy hair and kissing his head.

The five teens stayed in Michael's room, Noah still having his arms tightly wrapped around the brunette. Michael held his boyfriend close, sobbing into his jacket as the door swung open again "KEEP THIS DAMN DOOR OPEN MICHAEL!!!" William yelled, glaring at all five teenagers. Maddi looked at her best friend's father "But you're the one who clos-" William cut her off "Someone needs to teach you some damn respect!" he yelled before slamming the door again. Michael sighed and sat on his bed "You guys should go..." he said softly as he heard footsteps coming back up the stairs. Maddi, Simon, and Fredrick nodded, each one of them climbing out the window, one by one, leaving Noah and Michael in the room. The redhead walked over to his boyfriend, cupping his face and softly kissing him pulling away "Stay safe darling..." was all he said before climbing out the window as the door opened once again, but slowly nudged open instead of being slammed against the wall. Michael lifted his head to see his little cousin standing in the doorway "Hey Mikey..." she softly said, trying to push the door the rest of the way open. Michael stood up, helping the eleven-year-old girl through the door "Hey...." he said quietly, walking over to the beanbags on his floor as he and his cousin sat down. The brunette sighed "Dad must've screwed up the door from slamming it so much-" he spat as Cassidy scooted to the floor, playing with Michael's old plushies.

The teenage boy softly smiled and sat next to his cousin, turning on the TV and putting on Fredbear and Friends, before turning and playing with Cassidy. But their bonding time was interrupted as William tried to open the door "Michael your mother is staying to watch you and Evan- Henry and I will be in the basement....working- I'll fix your door after we're done...-" he said with a slightly guilty tone before he went back down the hall. Michael picked up Cassidy and walked downstairs just in time to see the basement door shut and lock, he turned to see his mother sitting on the couch, her gingery-brown curls resting on her shoulders. The brunette walked over to his mother "Hey Momma..." he said softly, leaning forward to hug his mother. Roselle raised her head and hugged her son tightly "Oh my baby...I'm so glad you're alright...your father said you've been taking out your grief and anger on your brother...why is that...?" she asked, patting the spot on the sofa next to her, inviting her son to sit down. Michael sat on the couch, giving his little cousin to his mother as he sighed "It's his fault- I asked him to get me if Elizabeth ran off but he just ran after her instead of getting someone..." he spat. Roselle sighed "From what I heard...he tried to get you and you shoved him away...None of us know what really happened to your sister...but she's in a better place now...I promise..." she said, running her well-manicured fingers through her son's dark fluffy hair.

Cassidy sat in Roselle's lap, kicking her legs as she watched the cartoon on the screen. Evan slowly walked down the stairs, sitting beside his mother as he curled up on the couch. Cassidy scooted next to her cousin "Hey Ev, I made a friend at school...and I need someone to take me to the park to meet up with herrrrr" she asked. Evan turned "Cassi can't your Mum take you?" he asked, the young girl looked away "Ma got arrested a few days ago...." she muttered, sitting up more. Michael turned "Why the hell did Auntie Sarah get arrested!?" he asked, facing his cousin. Cassidy messed with her jet-black hair that was tied into pigtails as usual "Uhm...possession of illegal substances...or something....I don't know" she sighed, pulling her knees to her chest. Evan stared at the calendar, not knowing his brother was doing the same thing...planning something that certainly wouldn't end well...

[Shorter Chapter cause my motivation went brrrrr]

The Origins of The Afton FamilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora