mind-boggling dynamax

Start from the beginning

"What's that?"


We finally arrived and got off the train, walking to our next stop.

"Yeah! Look out, giant Pokémon! Here we come!" Ash cheers as we arrive.


"First, let's find some clues!" Goh stares at his phone before walking to the conductor area. Or whatever it's called. "Excuse me?"

"May I help you?"

"I've heard that Pokémon can grow giant-sized in this region. Can you tell us more?" Goh leans forward.

"Grow giant-sized?" The man chuckled. "You must mean Dynamax."

"It's called 'Dynamax'?" Ash asks.

"Yes. It's accompanied by a red light." The man explains. "Keep an eye out for it."

"Great!" Goh and Ash look at each other.

The three of us run through the fields full of many kinds of Pokémon like Wooloo, Maractus, and more.

"Pi, pi, pi!"

"Ah!" Ash turns around and points up. I halt and turn towards the tree. A Phantump.

Goh snaps a picture.


We continue as Goh gets more pictures of Galar Pokémon.

"Pi..ee-ka pika—!" Pikachu stammers at a Seedot.

"Goomy, goomy! Goomy!"

"*insert Hippopotas yawning*"


"Why are you even doing this.." I sigh and chuckle at the two who's dipping their heads underwater to see the Tympole.


A Flygon claws onto Ash and flys above the ground, laughing, as the rest of us chase after them.


A train light thing rings with a red light.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Goh asks Ash.

"The guy at the station said we'd see red lights..."

"Um, these are for trains??" I sweatdrop at Ash.

"Yeah." Goh agrees.

A train horn blasts, and we wait until it passes by. We quickly jump over the track and continue.



Ash gasps, lifting up his hat.


"Over there!" Ash runs towards a Snorlax. It snores as we approach.



The boys gasp while I look in awe. Dang, it's huge.

"I get it! So this is a Dynamax Pokémon!" Goh exclaims.

"Yeah, it's awesome!" Ash agrees.

"Yep, so awesome that it doesn't have a red light." I smile sarcastically.

"Wait, that's true..." Goh says. "Well..but first.."

Goh takes a picture of the Snorlax.

"Snorlax. The Sleeping Pokémon. A Normal Type. Snorlax eats 800 pounds of food every day. As it begins to eat, it falls asleep, and it sleeps while it eats. It's average height is a bit less than seven feet."

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