For now though he would have to push that aside as he hopes that their demonstration would go well enough that they will get more funding to their new department of 'Magical Technology Research and Development' which thanks to the portals appearing, NATO had to quickly cobble together the M.T.R.D. quickly with the only researchers they had who were 1. Magical and 2. already working on their nations ability to blend Magic and Technology.

What truly gave him a headache was the simple fact it was only the THREE OF THEM!

He had hoped with Italy's(as he was sometimes forced to call him), breakthrough they would get more help on the project but it wasn't to be so until after approval from higher up so until then it was just the three of them, well two since Honda had to take mandatory vacation, he was counting down the days until there return and to him it couldn't come sooner.

Of course his thoughts were interrupted as the doors to their department opened, he steeled himself preparing to meet with what he thought would be the base commanders, or even a representative of the NATO council, of couse what he didnt expect was HALF THE UN BEING HERE! 'WAS IN GOTTES NAMEN!?' Was the thought going through Ludwigs mind as he tried to regain his posture.

"Ladies! Gentlemen! I vas not expecting such a...uh be frank half the world's leaders of NATO to be here." He said honestly as for while the US presidents along with the French presidents and even the delegation from his own Fatherland gave him an honest shock 'Sogar die Prinzessin ist hier!?' was his thought as he stared right at Princess Victoria Wilhelmina of Germany!

Of course what had him curious was the fact that of the British Delegation was a woman who he had not seen before and in Uniform of a Royal Army Officer along with the insignia of the Royal Mage corps of Britain, of course the man next to her he knew as he himself wore a simple suit as it was the Prince of the United Kingdom

"Well" Prince Phillip of the UK said his upper crust voice sounded out "When we heard that a computation Jewel had been created, we just had to see it and meet the scientist that created it.", The rest of the delegation nodded their head at that. "Doctor Ludwig" he heard a voice call out he turned towards it and his eyes widened it was his President Herzog, "While it was Luigi Mario that created the Jewel it was yours along with Doctor Honda's tireless research and help that has lead to this day, all three of you will go down in history and will be remembered for all time."

Ludwig smiled as he nodded abit towards his President and the princess. "dank ya for your kind words."

Jackie of course raises an eyebrow as she asks, "ok you're not a mad doctor or anything right? Cause I don't need to hear that you decided to strap a bomb to the chest of your test flyers." As she still remembers that one monocle wearing bastard from the last portal viewing.

"Nein" Ludwig said "None of us are as you say mad scientists of that caliber, well unless you count being unusually happy as being a mad scientist." Ludwig added as an afterthought

Jackie just slowly nods as the woman decides to introduce herself, "Major Amelia Bones, it's a pleasure to meet you doctor." She says in a polite tone while trying her best not to meet Jackie's gaze as she remembers the rather...unique...meeting between Sirius and the Magical President which resulted in a fist fight that THANKFULLY Did not result in an internal incident.

"Pleasure to meet you as well Major" Dr. Ludwig said, he turned and walked towards where Luigi was standing next to the prototype, say what you want he knew when it was time for a presentation, "I hope that what me and my colleague show you is worth all the money spent to get the project up and running. Despite the fact it is only the three of us" the last part was said in a low voice so that they didn't hear it.

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